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Georg Walter Huber
(9 April 1874 — fl.1929)
External links
- Detailed biography: None given
See also
Miscellaneous information
- can be found in Müller: Deutsches Musikerlexikon, 1929 including worklist, born 1874 in Leipzig, lived 1929 in Baden-Baden
- Musicanet gives the dates 1874-1942, no reason given and no information given, while the very few other sources just have "um 1900" (clearly flourishing date rather than birthdate, since his scores available here were published in 1902.) Hofmeister-RHUL does list a "Huber, Georg" with publications around 1897-99 but this may not be Georg Walter Huber... There are at least two earlier Georg Huber[s] (one possibly overlapping), one with autographs in the 1840s that can be found @ ÖNB, one with publications in the Renaissance era, neither of which is this one...