(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hilton, John.)
John Hilton
(1599 — 21 March 1657)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: John Hilton the younger
Name in Other Languages: John Hilton the younger, John Hilton le jeune, ג'ון הילטון, جون هيلتون ث يونجير
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 65168437, LCCN: n85029653, ISNI: 000000008145141X, [10 more...]GND: 132481936, SUDOC: 087208733, BNF: 138952299, BIBSYS: 2123479, MusicBrainz: 8867365c-a158-4533-8b9c-4a8f1bbc55e7, NLA: 49785141, NKC: xx0160221, BNE: XX1780417, CiNii: DA06037320, IATH: w64j0ps5
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