The list below includes all pages in the category "Hebrew language". This includes vocal works which use text in Hebrew. See also Yiddish language.
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Pages in category "Hebrew language"
The following 106 pages are in this category, out of 106 total.
A- Abraham and Isaac, K101 (Stravinsky, Igor)
- Adon Olom (Dyck, Vladimir)
- Adon Olom (Gideon, Miriam)
- Adon olom (Lewandowski, Louis)
- Adonoi Moloch (Alman, Samuel)
- Adonoj moh odom (Kellermann, Albert)
- Alainluia (Fonteneau, Fabien)
- Amen in C minor (Mattei, Stanislao)
- Amen (Tallini, Gennaro)
- 3 Anciennes Mélodies Juives (Alkan, Charles-Valentin)
- The Ancient Melodies of the Liturgy of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews (Aguilar, Emanuel)
- Antiphonen (Zimmermann, Bernd Alois)
- At Morn I Beseech Thee (Bergson, Michał)
- Avadim Hayinu (Kram, Richard)
- Avinu Malkeinu (Anonymous)
- Avodat HaKodesh (Hast, Marcus)
- Avodath Hakodesh, B.68 (Bloch, Ernest)
- Awaudas Jisroeil (Lachmann, Isaak)
- Az amar Shlomo (Bachlund, Gary)
BCEFGHIJKL | L cont.MOP- Pit'chu li (Bachlund, Gary)
- Psalm 1: Verse 1 (Barber, Charlie)
- Psalm 42 (Lachner, Franz Paul)
- Psalm 92, D.953 (Schubert, Franz)
- Psalm 124 (Rossi, Salamone)
- Psalm 127 (Rossi, Salamone)
- Psalm 130, Op.50b (Schoenberg, Arnold)
- Psalm 133 (Birnbaum, Eduard)
QRS- Sabbath Morning Service for the Synagogue (Rogers, James Hotchkiss)
- Sarah Aaronsohn (Avni, Boaz)
- Schaff und wirk o Herr Gott (Philipp III)
- Schir Zion (Sulzer, Salomon)
- Schirë Yeshurun (Japhet, Israel Meyer)
- Sefer anim zemiroth (Stark, Edward J.)
- Sh'ma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad! (Nichifor, Serban)
- Sha'ar (Pessen, Eytan)
- Shalom, Luther..., Op.227 (Salbert, Dieter)
- Shavuot Song (Nichifor, Serban)
- Shir hamma'alot (Rossi, Salamone)
- Shir Hashirim (Bird, Melvin Clive)
- Shirei Rozumni (Rozumni, Ephraim Zalman)
- 3 Songs of Immanuel Frances (Bachlund, Gary)
- 3 Songs of the Ghetto, Op.23 (Krein, Aleksandr)
- A Survivor from Warsaw, Op.46 (Schoenberg, Arnold)
- Suuren viikon halleluja (Kinnunen, Reijo)
- Synagogue Compositions (Alman, Samuel)