(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Goltermann, Georg.)
Georg Goltermann
(19 August 1824 — 29 December 1898)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Georg Eduard Goltermann
Name in Other Languages: چورچ جولتيرمان, Georg Eduard Goltermann, ゲオルク・ゴルターマン, Георг Гольтерман, Ґеорг Ґольтерман
Aliases: Гольтерман Георг, George Goltermann, Georg Gol'terman, Georges Goltermann
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 7583766, LCCN: n84152887, ISNI: 0000000109519085, [10 more...]GND: 102411034, SUDOC: 143783939, BNF: 13993313w, BIBSYS: 13341, MusicBrainz: f656f4ae-a285-4f92-97bc-65ac0b2d7b1d, NLA: 35364424, NKC: xx0015077, BNE: XX5043161, CiNii: DA09642914, IATH: w6c257vx
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Not to be confused with
Julius Goltermann (1825—1876), a less important cellist-composer, who was not a relative