We need more information on Friedrich Christian Friese
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Friedrich Christian Friese
(? — fl.ca.1730)
External links
- Detailed biography: None given
Miscellaneous information
poss. the same as Christian Friedrich Friese, violinist who travelled with 11 other musicians of the court of August II (and with August II) from Saxony to Warsaw in 1716? (in Alina Żórawska-Witkowska, The Saxon Court of the Kingdom of Poland, essay in Music at German Courts, 1715-1760: Changing Artistic Priorities, collection of essays/symposium, published 2011 by Boydell Press. page 55.)
"According to court files, Friedrich Christian Friese was hired as a violinist at the Court of Dresden from 1715 until about 1730."
Compositions (1)
Compositions by: Friese, Friedrich Christian
The following 1 pages are in this category, out of 1 total.