The list below includes all pages in the category "For keyboard 4 hands ". This includes works originally scored for two players on one unspecified keyboard instrument. See also For keyboard , For 2 keyboards .
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Pages in category "For keyboard 4 hands"
The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total.
❉ – All (33) 𝐍 – Naxos (2) S – Scores (32) P – Parts (1) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (1) O – Other (1) 🔀 📻
A C D E F H J K M S 18 Scherzhafte und moralische Lieder, nebst 19 Tänze (Müller, Matthäus) Sonata for Keyboard 4 Hands, Op.22 (Gabler, Christoph August) Sonata for Keyboard 4 Hands, P.XI:1 (Kozeluch, Leopold) Sonata for Keyboard 4 Hands, P.XI:2 (Kozeluch, Leopold) Sonata for Keyboard 4 Hands, P.XI:3 (Kozeluch, Leopold) Sonata for Keyboard 4 Hands, P.XI:4 (Kozeluch, Leopold) Sonata for Keyboard 4-Hands in C major (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm) Sonata for Keyboard 4-Hands in C major (Wranitzky, Paul) Sonata for Keyboard 4-Hands in F major, StWV 209 (Sterkel, Johann Franz Xaver) Sonata for Keyboard 4-Hands in F major (Hemmerlein, Joseph) Sonata for Keyboard 4-Hands in G major (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm) Sonata for Piano 4-Hands in A major (Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich) Sonata for Piano 4-Hands in D major, Op.18 (Ferguson, Ludwig Wilhelm Tepper von) Sonata No.1 in C major for Keyboard 4-Hands (Rheineck, Christoph) Sonata No.2 in F major for Keyboard 4-Hands (Rheineck, Christoph) Sonata No.3 in C major for Keyboard 4-Hands (Rheineck, Christoph) 3 Sonatas for Keyboard 4-Hands (Müller, Christian Heinrich) 6 Sonatas for Keyboard 4-Hands (Seydelmann, Franz) 3 Sonatas for Keyboard 4-Hands, Op.1 (Gemmingen, Eberhard Friedrich von)T