The list below includes all pages in the category "For flute, orchestra (arr) ". This includes works arranged for solo flute with orchestra. See also For flute, orchestra .
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Pages in category "For flute, orchestra (arr)"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
❉ – All (30) 🔊 – Recordings (11) 𝐍 – Naxos (19) S – Scores (22) P – Parts (23) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (30) 🔀 📻
C D F G H I J P S Sicilienne et burlesque, Op.23 (Casella, Alfredo) Sinfonische Kanzone, Op.114 (Karg-Elert, Sigfrid) Solo de concert No.6, Op.82 (Demersseman, Jules) Suite de trois morceaux, Op.116 (Godard, Benjamin) Suite, Op.34 (Widor, Charles-Marie) Symphony No.8 'Tom & Huck' (Nichifor, Serban)V Variationen, Op.25 (Mayseder, Joseph) Variations on a Chinese Lullaby (Mourey, Colette) Variations sur un air tyrolien, Op.20 (Boehm, Theobald) Violin Concerto in E major, RV 269 (Vivaldi, Antonio) Violin Concerto in G major, Hob.VIIa:4* (Haydn, Joseph) Violin Concerto No.5, Op.44 (Krommer, Franz) Violin Concerto No.7 in A major (Kreutzer, Rodolphe) Violin Concerto No.16 in E minor (Viotti, Giovanni Battista)W