The list below includes all pages in the category "Double fugues ". This includes individual works designated by their composers as a 'Double fugue' (or Doppelfuge ) in a title or subtitle. See also Fugues .
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Pages in category "Double fugues"
The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.
❉ – All (38) 🔊 – Recordings (3) 𝐍 – Naxos (2) S – Scores (34) P – Parts (3) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (5) O – Other (1) 🔀 📻
A C D Doppel-Fuge, Op.64 (Wolf, Friedrich Adolf) 7 Doppel-Fugen (Mattheson, Johann) Doppelfuge in E-flat major, Op.3 (Wettstein, Heinrich) Doppelfuge, Op.11 (Preyer, Gottfried) Doppelfuge (Suter, Hermann) Doube Fugue for String Orchestra (Derecskei, András) Double Fugue for Brass Quintet (Derecskei, András) Double Fugue in A minor (Merkel, Gustav Adolf) Double Fugue in C minor (Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg) Double Fugue in E minor (Sechter, Simon) Double Fugue in F minor (Volckmar, Wilhelm Valentin) 6 Double Fugues for the Organ (Roseingrave, Thomas) Double thème varié (Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre) Dubbelfuga op de greg. melodie "Lauda Sion" (Cuypers, Hubert)E F F cont. Fuga a due soggetti (Giannotti, Alessandro) 7 Fugen zu 4 Stimmen (Draeseke, Felix) Fugue in D minor, TWV 30:16 (Telemann, Georg Philipp) Fugue No.26 in B minor, VG84 (Gorochnaya, Vasilisa) Fugue No.29 in D major, VG87 (Gorochnaya, Vasilisa) Fugue No.30 in D minor, VG88 (Gorochnaya, Vasilisa) Fugue No.39 in D minor, VG109 (Gorochnaya, Vasilisa)G I K P T V