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Alfred Crombé
(25 March 1861 — 1921 or later)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Alfred Emile Aimé François Crombé
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- Detailed biography: None given
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Miscellaneous information
- Belgian lawyer and musician, born in Tournai on 25 March, 1861 (cf. birth certificate -- which was registered the day after...).
- Active in his home town Tournai as president and conductor of "Les Orphéonistes" (a local orchestra + choir), and composer of salon pieces, an operette (La fée du lac, 1895) [1] and some occasional music and Revues (see e.g. Journal de Roubaix, 12 Dec 1902, p.5) .
- Mentioned in L'Annuaire des artistes from 1903 to 1910 (e.g. L'Annuaire des Artistes 1906 p.1143 and p.1191).
- Death date unkown. Still alive in 1921, when he sells two of his houses [2].