(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Courteville, Raphael.)
Raphael Courteville
(ca.1675 — July 1772)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Cortevil, Courtaville, Courtivill, Courtiville, Cortevel, Courtivelle; Ralph, Ralphe
Aliases: Raphael Courtaville, Raphael Cortevil, Raphael Courtivill
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 315656648, LCCN: n89625964, ISNI: 000000038299766X, GND: 1089682220, [3 more...]SUDOC: 241630878, BNF: 139847716, NLA: 48864094
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- Son of Raphael Courteville (d.1675) - attributions are sometimes confused.
- Dates of birth also given as c.1670, 1673 and 1676.