The list below includes all pages in the category "Corteges ". This includes individual works designated by their composers as a 'Cortège' in a title or subtitle. A cortège is a piece of music written to accompany a procession.
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Pages in category "Corteges"
The following 34 pages are in this category, out of 34 total.
❉ – All (34) 🔊 – Recordings (1) 𝐍 – Naxos (6) S – Scores (33) P – Parts (6) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (4) 🔀 📻
A C Cortège (fragment), Op.143 (Chaminade, Cécile) Cortège burlesque (Chabrier, Emmanuel) Cortège de Cendrillon, Op.379 (Carman, Marius) Cortège de conscience (Bachlund, Gary) Cortège de l'âme (Bachlund, Gary) Cortège de misères (Bachlund, Gary) Cortège du coeur (Bachlund, Gary) Cortège du printemps (Croisez, Alexandre) Cortège en prière (Bachlund, Gary) Cortège et Gavotte, Op.43 (Moszkowski, Moritz) Cortège funèbre d’un Samouraï, Op.37 (Rhené-Baton, Emmanuel) Cortège mystique, Op.22 (Krein, Grigory) Cortège nuptial (Bachlund, Gary) Cortège nuptial (Meulemeester, Arthur de) Cortège solennel, Op.50 (Glazunov, Aleksandr) Cortège solennel, Op.51 (Neuland, Wilhelm) Cortège solennel, Op.91 (Glazunov, Aleksandr)C cont. Cortège, JKB 22 (Baruk, Jason) Cortège, Op.70 (Mac-Master, Georges) Cortège, Op.96 (Rousseau, Samuel Alexandre) Cortège, Op.101 (Bazelaire, Paul) Cortège (Boulanger, Lili) Cortège (Cellier, Alexandre) Cortège (Evry, Edward d') Cortège (Tournier, Marcel) Corteggio (Mauri, Paolo)N P S