(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo .)
Antonio Bartolomeo Bruni (28 January 1757 — 6 August 1821)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Antoine Barthélemy Bruni, Bartolomeo Bruni
Name in Other Languages: آنتونیو بارتولومئو برونی , Антонио Бартоломео Бруни
Aliases: انتونیو بارتولومئو برونی , Бруни Антонио Бартоломео , Antonio Bruni , Antoine Barthélemy Bruni , Bartolomeo Bruni
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 12407362 , LCCN : n82106285 , ISNI : 0000000080916908 , [9 more... ] GND : 116776943 , SUDOC : 033933413 , BNF : 12474036j , MusicBrainz : 3af615ff-df52-49f5-81b7-5b28fc59d14c , NKC : xx0096569 , ICCU : ATMV001932 , BNE : XX1639306 , CiNii : DA06842815 , IATH : w6c84f2s
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A reference in 1997 to the 1931 Thematic Catalogue and Study of his life and works has "1751?" for date of birth. However, presumably better information has come up since. (Then again in 1975 an article had it as 1740–1808.)
Pages in category "Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo/Collections"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.
❉ – All (25) 𝐍 – Naxos (2) S – Scores (11) P – Parts (18) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (4) 🔀 📻
C D E J M S 6 String Quartets, Book 4 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Quartets, Book 7 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Quartets, Book 9 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Quartets, Book 10 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Quartets, Op.3 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Trios, Op.1 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Trios, Op.2 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Trios, Op.4 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Trios, Op.34 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo) 6 String Trios, Op.36 (Bruni, Antonio Bartolomeo)V