The list below includes all pages in the category "Agitatos ". This includes individual works that were specifically designated 'Agitato' by their composers in a title or subtitle.
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Pages in category "Agitatos"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
❉ – All (43) 𝐍 – Naxos (1) S – Scores (30) P – Parts (19) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (10) 🔀
A Agitato and Allegro, TH 163 (Tchaikovsky, Pyotr) Agitato con duolo (Baermann, Heinrich) Agitato con moto (Borch, Gaston) Agitato for Strings (Yamamoto, Jun) Agitato in D minor (Boehnlein, Victor Gregory) Agitato misterioso (Langey, Otto) Agitato No.1 (Langey, Otto) Agitato No.2 (Andino, Julián) Agitato No.3 (Langey, Otto) Agitato No.4 (Minot, Adolf) Agitato pathétique (Borch, Gaston) Agitato, EG 106 (Grieg, Edvard) Agitato, F.20 (Zhang, Zhichong) Agitato, IML 48 (Lake, Mayhew) Agitato, IML 49 (Lake, Mayhew) Agitato, IML 50 (Lake, Mayhew) Agitato, IML 51 (Lake, Mayhew) Agitato, Op.7 (Martucci, Giuseppe) Agitato, Op.50 (Thomé, Francis) Agitato, Op.108 (Chaminade, Cécile) Agitato (Becker, Will L.) Agitato (Borch, Gaston) Agitato (Howgill, Richard) Agitato (Minot, Adolf) Agitato (Riesenfeld, Hugo) Agitato (Shepherd, John)A cont. B D E H L M P R T