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Adolphe Aderer
(17 November 1855 — 1923)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jean Baptiste Adolphe Aderer
Name in Other Languages: Адольф Адерер
Aliases: Jean Baptiste Adolphe Aderer
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 46791481, LCCN: n86085453, ISNI: 0000000110605829, GND: 116007729, SELIBR: 309474, SUDOC: 101626142, BNF: 121104060, Léonore: LH//8/22, ICCU: RMRV181278, CiNii: DA0958068X
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As Librettist (3)
Works with text by: Aderer, Adolphe
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