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E. Franklin Adams
(1860 — 1944)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ephraim Franklin Adams; Ephriam Franklin Adams
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- Detailed biography: None given
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Miscellaneous information
- from cover of his opus 21: Teacher of violin at Carlyle Petersilea's Academy of Music, Elocution and Technique. (A Boston school, I believe; also, the work was published in Boston in 1880. Carlyle Petersilia - almost the same spelling - is mentioned in a biography of an acquaintance of Liszt, Carl Lachmund, on page 306 (as having visited in 1884); Alan Walker's footnote give Mr. Petersilia's dates as 1844-1903. (First name may be Ephraim? A daughter is mentioned as having been born to an Ephraim Franklin Adams and his wife Mary Elizabeth Retherford Adams in Kansas in 1907. The Findagrave.com site gives his spouse's name as Mary Elizabeth Adams (1871–1959) and the grave is in Kansas.)