Calliope, or English Harmony (Roberts, Henry)

Sheet Music


Engraver Henry Roberts
Publisher. Info. London: engraved and sold by Henry Roberts, 1739.
London: printed for & sold by John Simpson, n.d.(1739).
Publisher. Info. London: Henry Roberts, n.d.[1746].
Misc. Notes These are both Volume 2. Only #617669 states volume number on title-page, and also has a list of "Music printed for J. Simpson" [also engraved by Henry Roberts]

General Information

Work Title Calliope, or English Harmony
Alternative. Title
Composer Roberts, Henry
Title-page Details Title-page transcription
Calliope or English Harmony, A Collection of the most Celebrated English and Scots Songs Neatly Engrav'd and Embelish'd with designs adapted to the Subject of each Song, taken from the Compositions of the Best Masters, in the most Correct Manner, with the thorough Bass and Transpositions for the Flute [recorder] (proper for all Teachers, Scholars and Lovers of Musick), Printed on a fine Paper, on each side which renders the Undertaking more compleat than any other thing of the kind ever Publish'd.</span>
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's Volume 1: 200 songs:
Volume 1
A Table of the beginning of each Song contained in this Volume [Alphabetical]
1. D. Rizzio (Oswald): The Bush aboon Traquair ("Hear me ye Nymphs")+
2. Howard: Fanny Blooming Fair ("When Fanny blooming fair")*+
3. Anonymous: The Kind Lass of Polwart ("At Polwart on the Green")+
4. Munro: Collin's Request ("Help me [r]each harmonious grove")+
5. Anonymous: The Complaining Lover ("Long have I strove his heart")+
6. Anonymous: Charming Moggy ("What beauties does Flora disclose")+
7. Lampe(?)°: The Apology ("Frown not my Dear")*+
8. Anonymous: Oh my tender panting heart (A Scotch Song)+
9. Lampe: Solitary Lover ("Blow on ye winds")*+
10. Anonymous: From place to place, forlorn I go (A Song in the Conscious Lovers)+
11. Carey°: The Maids Petition ("Cruel creature can you leave me")*+
12. Anonymous: Bonny Jean ("Loves goddess in a myrtle grove")+ [song; words by A. Ramsay]°
13. Lampe: The Maid's Request ("Glide swiftly on thou silver stream")*+
14. Munro: My goddess Celia heavenly fair *+
15. Lampe°: The Lovers first Address ("Charmer, permit it me to make a surrender")*+
16. Corelli: The Praise of Bacchus ("Bacchus, assist us to sing")*+
17. Greene: The Fly ("Busy curious thirsty fly")*+
18. Thomas Phillips: How happy are we just coming from sea (A New Song)+
19. Munro: Gold a Receipt for Love ("When love and youth can not make way")+
20. Munro: Clarissa ("Clarissa shines along the plains")*+
21. Corelli: The Careless Shepperd ("Moggy & Jenny both do undo me")*+
22. Lampe°: Who to win a womans favour (A Song in the "Colombine Courtezan")+
23. Anonymous: Dumbarton's drums beat bonny O *+
24. Sandford: An Invitation to a Robin ("Domestick bird whom wintry blasts")*+
25. Anonymous: The Bonny Boatman ("Ye gales that gently wave")+
26. Lampe: The Plain Dealer ("Why do you fix your eyes")*+
27. Putti°: On Zelinda ("On dear Zelinda's charms I gaze")*+
28. Greene: The Nymph that undoe's me *+
29. Charles Lulman: The Happy Toper ("Will you credit a miser")+
30. Froude°: The Lass of Broomhall Green *+
31. Pescetti°: The Charmer ("Stella darling of the muses") (To a Celebrated Air in Demetrius)+
32. Greene: Florimel ("The charms of Florimel")*+
33. Carey (probably)°: The Lady's Lamentation for the Loss of Senisino (As musing I rang'd")+
34. Lampe: Advice to the Unwary ("The wounded deer flies swift")*+
35. Carey°: The Supplication ("Divinest Fair, oh ease my care")*+
36. Carey: The Maids Husband ("Genteel in personage")*+
37. Handel: How is it possible (A Favourite Air in "Ariadne")+
38. Anonymous: The Slighted Lover ("Believe my sighs, my tears")*+
39. Handel: When I survey Clarinda's charms") (A Song set to a Favourite Minuet of Mr Handel's)+
40. Stanley°: By men belov'd, how soon we're moved (A Song the Words by Mr Langford)+
41. D'Urfey°: Corn Riggs are Bonny (My Patience's is a lover gay")*
42. Digard: Thou rising sun whose gladsome rays (The Words from the Spectator)*+
43. Lampe: The Modest Concealment ("Dear Collin prevent my warm blushes")*+
44. Stanley: The Cautious Maid ("Leave me shepherd")+
45. Anonymous: The Country Girls Farewel ("Farewel hills & valleys")+
46. Young: With arts oft practiced and admired (A Song)+
47. Arne: Love Relaps'd ("If all that I love is her face")*+
48. Munro: The Pow'r of Drinking ("Since drinking has pow'r")+
49. Leveridge: The Blind Boy ("O say what is that thing call'd light") (Written by Colley Cibber Esq.)*
50. Anonymous: The Enjoyment ("Know I shant envy him")+
51. Munro: Vain Belinda ("Vain Belinda are your wiles")+
52. Handel: The Address to Silvia ("Blest with my Silvia")*+
53. Stanley: Advice to Coelia (Celia) ("Oh Coelia recall thy lost hours")*+
54. Wood: What can aswage ye pain (A Song)+
55. Anonymous: Chast Lucretia ("Chast Lucretia, when you left me")+
56. Anonymous: The Lass of Patties Mill +
57. Barker (of Coventry): Gentle god of pleasing pains (A Song)*+
58. Handel: Bird of May, leave the spray (A Favourite Air in Alcina)+
59. Carey: Cupid god of gay desires (A Song)+
60. Hayward: Too long thou tyrant love (A Song)*+
61. Brereton: When Chloe, fair, begins (A Song)+ ["set by an Eminent Master; words by Rob. Brereton"]
62. Holcombe (possibly)°: The Forsaken Nymph ("Guardian angels now protect me")*+
63. Flackton: To Celia ("Why cruel creature, why so bent")*+
64. Anonymous: Mary Scot, the flower of Yarrow ("Happy's the love that meets return")+
65. Carey: On Masonry ("'Tis Masonry unites mankind") (A New Song; The Words by Mr Digby Cole)
66. Gouge°: The Forsaken Maid ("Fond Eccho forbear thy light strain") (written by Shakespear)+
67. Popely: The Lovers Vow ("No more shall buds on branches spring")*+
68. Digard: My Jolly Companion ("My Jolly Companion thou hast a good face") (A New Song)*
69. Lampe: The Bashful Swain ("Long have I liv'd een to despair")*+ [p. 70]
70. Lampe: The Wandring Lover ("Pensive alone the desart plains")*+ [p. 71]
71. Anonymous: The Yellow-Hair'd Laddie ("In April when primroses")+ [p.72]
72. Anonymous: Ye Muses, hail the Royal dame (The Words by Mr Stephen Duck presented in Richmond Gardens to their Royal Highnesses the Prices and Princess of Wales)*+ [p.73]
73. Anonymous: Cupid and Venus ("Cupid and Venus one day strove to warm")+ [p.74]
74. Anonymous: Long from the force of beautys charms (A Song)+ [p.75]
75. Boyce: Castalio's Complaint ("Come all ye youths whose hearts")*+ [p.76]
76. Gouge: The Insensible Mistress ("Ye Nymphs & ye swains")+ [p.77]
77. Handel: Cloe when I view ye smiling (The Words by Mr Phillip's to a Minuet of Mr Handell's)+ [p.78]
78. Ravenscroft: Foolish woman fly mens charms (A Song)*+ [p.79]
79. Kempton: Wanton Cupid cease to hover (A Song)*+ [however, in Musical Miscellany - by Daniel Purcell] [p.80]
80. William Fisher of Hereford: The Northern Lass ("Come take your glass")+ [p.81]
81. Gunn: The Grateful Lover ("False tho she be to me")*+ [p.82]
82. Holcombe°: The Syren of the Stage ("Little Syren of the Stage")+ [p.83]
83. Arthur Bradley°: Celia Sighing ("Sigh no more my lovely Celia")+ [p.84]
84. Gladwin: Charming Cloe ("When charming Cloe gently walks")*+ [p.85]
85. Lampe: The Amorous Protestation ("How can I well describe the joy")*+ [p.86]
86. Munro: The Swain's Complaint ("Ah! stay ye wanton gales")+ [p.87]
87. Anonymous: Peggy I must Love thee ("As from a rock past all relief")+ [p.88]
88. William Fisher of Hereford: The Betray'd Maid ("Why d'os my looks my thoughts betray")+ [p.89]
89. Carey°: Sad Musidora ("Sad Musidora all in woe")+ [p.90]
90. Tenoe°: Florella ("Why will Florella when I gaze")+ [p.91]
91. Munro: A Message from Mars to Venus ("Thou little blind deceiver go")+ [p.92]
92. Anonymous: The Surprise ("Once fair Serena panting lay")+ [p.93]
93. Anonymous: The Tatling Shepherd ("For haughty Phillis, Thyrsis pines")+ [words: Lockman][p.94]
94. Greene: The Dying Swan ("'Twas on a river's verdant side")+ [p.95]
95. Anonymous: Love is the cause of my Mourning ("By a murmuring stream") [p.96] [a Scottish tune]°
96. Boyce: The Modest Petition ("How wretched is a Maiden's fate") (A New Song; The words by Mr Thomas Phillips)*+ [p.97]
97. Anonymous: How dully wise the grave disdain (A Song; duet)+ [p.98]
98. Handel: Bacchus one day gayly striding (The words by Mr Thomas Phillips)+ [p.99]
99. Anonymous: The Despairing Lover ("A swain of love despairing thus")+ [p.100]
100. Anonymous: The Happy Inconstant ("Happy the youthful swain")*+ [p.101]
101. Anonymous: Celia's Conquest ("Whilst Celia's eyes my heart subdues")+ [p.102]
102. Carey°: Gen'rous Love ("Love's a gentle genrous passion")*+ [p.103]
103. Anonymous: John Hay's Bonny Lassie ("By smooth winding Tay")+ [p.104] [a Scottish Air]°
104. Froud: The Confession ("Wherever I am & what ever I do") (A New Song)*+ [p.105]
105. Hawkins: As Northern winds the other day (Written by Esq. Jenings)+ [p.106]
106. Holcombe: The Doubtful Shepherd ("When Delia on the plain appears")*+ [p.107]
107. Holcombe: The Happy Man ("Happy hours, all hours excelling")+ [p.108]
108. Thomas Phillips: In Praise of Burgundy (Hail Burgundy thou juice divine")*+ [p.109] [song; words by T. Phillips]
109. Arne: The Miller of Mansfield ("How happy a state does the miller profess")+ [p.110]
110. Lampe: Silvia to Alexis ("Alexis, how artless a lover")+ [p.111]
111. Anonymous: There's Auld Rob Moris (A Scotch Dialogue)+ [p.112]
112. Barnard: The Absent Lover ("Ye gentle gales that fan the air")+ [p.113]
113. Anthony(?) Young°: Linco's Advice to Damon ("Linco found Damon lying in tears")+ [p.114]
114. Stanley°: The Inconstant Swain ("Young Thirsis once the jolliest swain")*+ [p.115]
115. Anglosini: Whilst Strephon on fair Cloe hung (A New Cantata)*+ [p.116]
116. Van Brugh: The Coquet ("From White's and Will's to purling Rills")*+ [p.119]
117. Anonymous: The Dejected Lass ("A Lass that was Loaden with care")+ [p.120]
118. Cannington: Damon and Celia ("As Celia near a fountain lay")+ [p.121]
119. Carey°: The Contented Farmer ("What care I for affairs of state")*+ [p.122]
120. Carey°: The Farmer's Wish ("Near some smooth stream")*+ [p.123]
121. Galliard: The Early Horn ("With early horn salute the morn")+ [p.124]
122. Putti°: To Cloe (Whene'er my Cloe I begin")+ [p.126]
123. Greene: Advice to Chloe (Dear Chloe, while thus beyond measure")*+ [p.127]
124. D'Urfey (attrib.)°: Jenny's Lamentation ("Twa bonny lads were Sawny & Jocky")*+ [p.128]
125. Howard: Dear Chloe attend to th' advice of a friend (To a young Lady Courted by an Old Man)+ [p.129]
126. Anonymous: The Birks of Endermay (The smiling morn the breathing spring invite")+ [p.130] [a favorite Scotch song; sung by Mrs. Jewell in "The Maid of Bath"]°
127. Geminiani: Know Madam I never was born (A Song to a Favourite Minuet of Geminiani's)*+ [p.131]
128. Lampe: The Dying Nymph ("Whilst endless tears and sighs declare")*+ [p.132]
129. Anonymous: Cupid Mistaken ("As, after Noon, one summers day")*+ [p.133]
130. Carey°: The Inconstant ("Fair & soft & gay & young")+ [p.134] [from Gould's "Rival Sisters"]°
131. Handel: The Dream ("Beneath a shady willow")+ [p.135]
132. Anonymous: Whoe's my Heart that we shou'd Sunder ("With broken words and downcast eyes")+ [p.136] [a favorite Scotch song; by ?W. C(ampbell)]°
133. Putti: The Melodious Songstress ("Beauty & wit mysterious maid")*+ [p.137]
134. Anonymous: The Colliers bonny Lassie ("The Collier has a daughter")+ [p.138] [a Scotch song]°
135. Lampe: The Perfections of true Love ("There liv'd long agoe in a country place")+ [p.139]
136. Carey: The Midsummer Wish ("Waft me some soft & cooling breeze")*+ [p.140]
137. Digard: The Generous Confession ("Too plain dear youth these telltale eyes") (to a New Tune by Mr Digard)*+ [p.141]
138. Greene: True Love ("Charming Chloe look with pity")*+ [p.142]
139. Anonymous: Bright Aurelia ("When bright Aurelia tript the plain")*+ [p.143]
140. Jonathan Martin: The Address to Sleep ("To thee, O! gentle sleep") (late Organist to his Majesty)*+ [p.144]
141. Thomas Phillips: Too lovely fair on I confess (A New Song; within compass of G. Flute) [p.145]
142. Boyce: The Desponding Lover ("Of all the torments all the cares")*+ [p.146]
143. Thomas Phillips: The Pleasure of Life ("Save women & wine there is nothing in life")+ [p.147]
144. Handel: A Dialogue between Punch & Columbine ("O my pretty Punchinello") (to a Favourite Air of Mr Handels)*+ [p.148]
145. Anonymous: Down the Burn Davie ("When trees did bud & fields were green")+ [p.150] [a Scottish song]°
146. Alcock Sr.: Fair Chloe ("As Chloe o'er the meadow past")+ [p.151]
147. Carey: A Pastoral ("Flocks are sporting, doves are courting")*+ [p.152]
148. Greene: The Happy Shepherd ("Come fair nymphs to this sweet grove")+ [p.153]
149. Greene: Fond Celadon ("As Celadon once from his cottage")*+ [p.154]
150. Anonymous: The Merry Huntsman ("Away, away we're crowned the day")+ [p.155]
151. Purcell: Celia has a thousand Charms + [p.156]
152. R. Vincent: The Fond Lover ("See Phillis yonder bower")+ [p.158]
153. Greene: Life is Chequer'd ("Life is chequer'd, toil and pleasure")*+ [p.159]
154. Digard: The Tipler's Wish ("O greedy Midas I've been told") (By Mr Wight)*+ [p.160]
155. Munro: The Judgement of Paris ("When for a silly glittering toy")*+ [p.161]
156. Anonymous: The Prisoner's Song ("A starving life all day we lead")+ [p.162]
157. Betts: Lucretia ("Lucretia the Empire of Rome did destroy")*+ [p.163]
158. Wise: Old Chiron's Advice to Achilles ("Old Chiron thus preach'd") (within Compass of the Flute) [p.165]
159. Webber: The Passionate Lover ("Tell me charming creature")+ [p.166]
160. Carey°: Stand by! Clear the Way ("What tho' they call me country lass")*+ [p.167]
161. Handel: The Melancholly Nymph ("Twas when the seas were roaring")*+ [p.168]
162. Anonymous: The Topers Sentence on a Sneaker ("To the god of wine, my song")+ [p.169]
163. Lampe°: The Mournful Shepherdess ("Glide gently on, thou murm'ring brook")*+ [p.170]
164. Lampe: The Coquet ("Crowds of coxcombs thus deluging")*+ [p.171]
165. Hayden: Fair Clora ("As I saw fair Clora walk alone")+ [p.172]
166. Eccles: The Jolly Breeze ("The jolly breeze that comes whistling")*+ [p.174]
167. Lampe°: On Gallant Moor of Moor Hall ("He's a man ev'ry inch")*+ [p.175]
168. Anonymous: Strephon's Complaint ("How can you lovely Nancy")*+ [p.176] [possibly by Oswald; or a traditional Scottish tune]°
169. Bowman°: The Thirsty Toper ("If the glasses they are empty")*+ [p.177]
170. Anonymous: England's Lamentation for the loss of Farinelli ("What dire misfortune hath befell")+ [p.178]
171. Young: A Pastoral Courtship ("Gentle breezes silent glades")+ [p.179]
172. Weldon: The Lady's Ramble to May Fair ("From grave lessons & restraint") (for the German Flute)*+ [p.180]
173. Carey: The Desparate Lover ("Sooner than I'll my love forego")+ [p.182]
174. Brown: Autumn ("Return my lovely Nymph")*+ [p.183]
175. Carey°: The Present State of Little Britain ("Britons where is your great magnanimity")+ [p.184]
176. Boyce: The Distracted Lover ("I love, I don't, I rave with pain")*+ [p.185]
177. Marchand: Charming Chloris ("Chloris in native purple bright")*+ [p.186]
178. Boyce: Fair Silvia ("Silvia the fair in the bloom of fifteen")+ [p.187]
179. Weldon: The Wakeful Nightingale + [p.188]
180. Purcell: Cease the Rovers [p.190]
181. Greene: The Chaplet ("Ye purple blooming roses")*+ [p.191]
182. Galliard: Oft on the Troubled Ocean [p.192]
183. Greene: Fair Sally ("Fair Sally lov'd a bonny seaman")*+ [p.193]
184. Greene: The Flea ("Little flea why so bloodthirsty")*+ [p.194]
185. Anonymous: Tis thee I Love *+ [p.195]
186. Anonymous: My Dady's a Delver of Dykes + [p.196]
187. Anonymous: The Disappointment ("Damon ask'd me but once")*+ [p.197]
188. Anonymous: Clorinda ("Clorinda hear my moan")*+ [p.198]
189. Anonymous: Charming Phillis ("Dear charming beauty you're my pleasure")*+ [p.199]
190. Greene: Scots Sang ("Sweet Annie fra the sea beach came")*+ [p.200]

Volume 2
A Table of the beginning of each Song contained in this Volume [Alphabetical]
1. John Hudson: Love once was my joy (A New Song)*+
2. Howard: The Diffident Lover ("When Cloe was by Damon seen")*+
3. Greene: The Departure ("Hence thou Deciever never")*+
4. Anonymous: The Debtors welcome to their Brother ("Welcome brother debtor to this poor")+
5. Galliard: The Advice ("The lass that would know how to manage")+
6. Carey°: Going out in the Morning ("Hark away 'tis the merry ton'd horn")+
7. Greene: Chloe ("In vain the force of female arms")*+
8. Anonymous: Bessy Bell ("O Bessy Bell and Mary Gray")+ [a trad. Scottish tune]
9. Stubley: A Hymn to Venus ("Blest as h'immortal gods")+
10. Lampe: The too Curious Swain ("On thy fair banks Oh Medway")*+
11. Seedo: Ye Gods ye gave to me a Wife *+
12. Arne: The wanton god who peirces hearts (A Favourite Song in "Comus")*+
13. Greene: The Request ("Can there be ye pow'r above")+ [p.14]
14. Lampe: The Forsaken Lady ("Not this blooming April")*+ [p.15]
15. Anonymous: The Carle come o'er the Croft + [p.16]
16. Lestrange: Despairing Silvia ("Hard fate to sigh in vain")*+ [p.17]
17. Harris: Since Celia's unkind and my passion disdains (A Song)*+ [p.18]
18. Clarke: The Provident Damsel ("As fidlers and archers who cunningly know")+ [p.19]
19. Arne: Noontide Air ("Woud you taste the noon tide air")*+ [p.20]
20. Carey: The Nightingale ("While in a bow'r with beauty blest")*+ [p.22]
21. Ariosti°: Charmer hear your faithful lover (A Favourite Song in Coriolanus)+ [p.23] [original: Piu benign par che arrida]
22. Anonymous: The Bob of Dunblane ("Come lassie lend me your braw Hemp Heckle")+ [p.24] [a Scottish song]°
23. Boyce: Orpheus and Euridice ("When Orpheus went down to the regions")+ [p.25]
24. Boyce: The Protestation ("No more shall meads be deck'd with flowers")+ [p.26]
25. Galliard°: The Advice ("Prithee foolish boy give o'er")+ [p.27]
26. Galliard: The Toper's Request ("Kind god of sleep")+ [p.28]
27. Greene: The Snow Drop ("With head reclin'd the snow drop")+ [p.29]
28. Anonymous: The Rose (Go rose my Cloe's bosom grace")+ [p.30] [NOT by Greene; a different setting of the same words]
29. Prelleur: The Lovers Lesson ("Damon if thou wil't believe me")+ [p.31]
30. D. Rizzio° (Oswald): Jockey and Jenny ("Ah my fickle Jenny") (A Scots Dialogue)+ [p.32]
31. Fisher Tench: An Address to Vulcan ("Vulcan contrive me such a cup")+ [p.33]
32. Arne°: By Dimpl'd Brook ("By dimpl'd brook and fountain brim")+ [in Comus] [p.34]
33. Arne°: The Circling Glass ("By the gayly circling glass")+ [in Comus] [p.35]
34. Anonymous: Lovely Nancy ("There never was nor e'er will be")*+ [p.36]
35. Galliard: The Jolly Bachanalians ("Jolly mortals fill your glasses")+ [p.37]
36. Arne°: The Cuckow ("When dasies pied and violets blue") (A Favourite Song)+ [p.38]
37. Howard: The Inamour'd Swain ("Tell me dear charmer")*+ [p.39]
38. Howard: The Lass of St. Osyth ("At St. Osyth by the Mill")+ [p.40]
39. Lampe°: The Power of Drinking ("Fly care to the winds")*+ [p.41]
40. Duncalfe: The Bee ("To suck the flowers sweet")*+ [p.42]
41. Lampe: Chloe Weeping ("What mean fair Chloe's mournful eyes")*+ [p.43]
42. Handel: Wou'd you gain the tender creature (A Favourite Song in Acis and Galethea)+
43. J. Kilburn?°: The charms which blooming beauty (A Favourite Song)*+ [p.46]
44. Markwell: The Whining Lover ("Women thoughtless giddy creature")+ [p.47]
45. Handel: The Advice ("Mortals wisely learn to measure life")+ [p.48]
46. Howard: The Amazon ("Swains I scorn who nice and fair")*+ [p.49]
47. Anonymous: The force of Love ("Ah! cruel bloody fate what canst thou now")*+ [p.50] [similar song in "Wit and mirth, or, Pills to purge melancholy," Vol. 4; also very similar to Purcell's "Ah! cruel bloody fate", from Theodosius]
48. Carey: The Friendly Advisor ("Trust not man for he'll deceive you")*+ [p.51]
49. Eccles: As cupid rogishly one day (A Favourite Song)+ [p.52]
50. Lampe: The Lark ("Ah pretty tuneful flutt'ring thing")*+ [p.54]
51. Anonymous: Bacchus & Venus United ("Claudio to manly sports")*+ [p.55]
52. Carey°: The Tell Tale ("Blab not what you ought to smother")+ [p.56]
53. Alland: The Amorous Lad ("Give me a bottle and a lass")+ [p.57]
54. Leveridge: The Sweet Rosy Morn + [p.58]
55. Lampe: The Faithful Courtship ("My Lesbia list us live")+ [p.59]
56. James: Ye mortals that love drinking (A Favourite Song) [p.60]
57. Stanley: The Ladies Passion Fixt ("To little or no purpose")+ [p.62]
58. Howard: The Faithful Shepherdess ("At setting day and rising morn")+ [p.63]
59. Anonymous: Sylvia Wounded ("How happy I liv'd upon the plain")+ [p.64]
60. Anonymous: Advice to Coelia [Celia] ("Shun not Celia loves lost pleasures")+ [p.65]
61. [D.] Russel°: The Modest Question ("Can love be controul'd by advice")+ [p.66]
62. Howard°: The Invitation ("Come dear Amanda quit the town")+ [p.67]
63. Pepusch: Alexis ("Se! from ye silent grove") (Cantata), w/violoncello [p.68]
64. Howard: The Lover ("If love be a fault") [p.72]
65. Lampe: The Lass of the Hill ("At the brow of the hill")*+ [p.73]
66. Lampe: The Amorous Protector ("Of e'ery sweet that glads the spring")*+ [p.74]
67. Graves: The Maids Repentance ("Ye gods! I foolishly deni'd")*+ [p.75]
68. Henry Burges Jr: Advice to Britain ("Rouse Britons, drive the foe") [words by Mr Sparrow]*+ [p.76]
69. Festing: Address to Celia ("If beauty's lure alone invite")*+ [p.78]
70. Lampe: The Moderate Lover ("Tell me not of a face")*+ [p.79]
71. Vincent: Love's Bacchanal ("Strephon why that cloudy forehead")*+ [p.80]
72. Cox: Polly Willis ("Attend ye ever tuneful swains") + [p.81] [starts off the same as Arne's Polly Willis]
73. Howard: Stella and Flavia ("Stella and Flavia ev'ry hour")*+ [p.82]
74. Worgan: The Coquets ("At the close of the day") [p.83]
75. Philips: Bacchus Defeated ("Bacchus must now his pow'r resign")* [p.84]
76. Eaton°: The Happy Beggars ("Tho' begging is an honest trade")*+ [85]
77. Howard: The Sleepy Fair ("On summers eve as Strephon roved") *+ [p.86]
78. D. Russel: The Jealous Swain ("Sweet were once the joys")+ [p.87]
79. Stanley: A Cure for Love ("Long by an idle passion")*+ [p.88]
80. Lampe: The Inconstant ("When fading beauty does decay")+ [p.89]
81. Boyce: Philander's Vow ("In vain Philander at my feet")*+ [p.90]
82. Holcombe: Arno's Vale ("When here Lucinda first we came")+ [p.91]
83. Handel°: Happy Pair ("Twas at the Royal feast for Persia") (A Favourite Song) [p.92]
84. Hodson: The Lover's Complaint ("I love I defat I'm all desire") [p.94]
85. William Hodson: The Mutual Lovers ("Say mighty Love and teach my song") [p.95]
86. Miss Worgan: The Constant Lover ("Toss'd in doubts and fears I rove")+ [p.96]
87. Lampe: Love and Honour ("I wish and long for that which I")+ [p.97]
88. Travers: Hail Windsor ("Hail Windsor crown'd with lofty honors") [p.98]
89. Lampe: A Preferative against Love ("How frail alas! we mortals are")+ [p.99]
90. Travers: Bright Author of my present Flame [p.100]
91. Anonymous: The Relief ("Now the busy day is over")+ [p.102]
92. Hasse: Barbaerini's Minuet ("Think when to pleasure ye sports do invite") [p.103]
93. Howard: Myra (Say Myra why is gentle love a stranger")+ [p.104]
94. Roman°: The Happy Man ("I envy not Sir Courtly Nice") [p.105]
95. [D.] Russel: The Truth ("To curb our will with vain pretence")+ [p.106]
96. Lampe: Paternal Love ("The parent bird whose little nest")+ [p.107]
97. Leveridge: A Song in Praise of old English Beer ("Of good English beer our songs lets raise")+ [p.108]
98. Carey°: The Power of Beauty ("Is there a charm ye powers above") [p.110]
99. Howard: The Nut-brown Maid ("Twas in the bloom of May") [p.111]
100. Anonymous: The Happy Couple ("At Upton on the hill") [p.112]
101. Miss Worgan: The Power of Gold ("The bloom of beauty quickly fades")+ [p.113]
102. George Hayden°: [Neptune and] Amymone ("Upon the coast of Argos rocky shore") (Cantata), w/2 violins [p.114]
103. Handel: Let me wander not unseen (A Favourite Song) [p.120]
104. W. Hodson: Love reveal'd ("Why shoud I my passion smoother")+ [p.121]
105. Boyce: Fairest of the virgin throng (A Favourite Song)+ [p.122]
106. Howard: Rural Life ("How happy is the maid who live a rural life")+ [p.123]
107. Boyce: Tell me lovely shepherd where (A Favourite Song in Solomon)+ [p.124]
108. Howard: The Doubtfull Lover ("Tell me my Delia")+ [p.126]
109. Oswald: The Secret Kiss ("At the silent evening hour")+ [p.127]
110. Lampe: The Despairing Shepherd ("Cleon whose heart foretold despair")+ [p.128]
111. Howard: Advice to Cloe ("See Cloe how the new bloom rose")+ [p.129]
112. Lampe: Zeno, Plato, Aristotle all (A Favourite Song)+ [p.130]
113. Boyce: On his face the vernal rose (A Favourite Song)+ [p.132]
114. Prelleur: Women form'd by nature coy (A Favourite Song) [p.134]
115. Oswald: Polly when your lips you join (A Favourite Song) [p.135]
116. Carey: False Damon ("If you would keep your Damon true")+ [p.136]
117. Howard: Delia ("Delia in whose form we trace all")+ (set to Mr Howard's favorite Musette)+ [p.137]
118. [D.] Russel: Soft God of Sleep + [p.138]
119. Howard: To Silvia ("If truth can fix thy wav'ring heart") [p.139]
120. Greene: Cloe's Resolves ("As Cloe on flowers reclin'd")+ [p.140]
121. Howard: Ye Virgin Powers ("Ye virgin powers defend my heart")+ [p.142]
122. Howard: Good mother if you please (A Song) [p.143]
123. Howard: Florellio and Daphne ("See Daphne see Florellio cry'd) [p.144]
124. Howard°: Why heaves my fond Bosom + [p.145]
125. Lampe: The New flown Birds ("The new flown birds the shepherds sing")+ [p.146]
126. Weideman: Joy enlightens all my senses (A Favourite Song) [p.147]
127. Oswald: The Charms of Lovely Peggy ("Once more I'll tune the vocal shell")+ [p.148]
128. Leveridge: The Contented Man ("Give me health, give me wine")+ [p.150]
129. Stanley: Musick and Beauty ("Musick has pow'r to melt the soul")+ [p.151]
130. Oswald: The Rapture ("Whilt on thy dear bosom lying")+ [p.152]
131. Hayes: : Sacharissa ("Dear unrelenting cruel fair boy")+ [p.153]
132. Corfe: The Power of Wine ("Blooming Bacchus ever young") [p.154]
133. Anonymous: From barren Caledonian land (A Loyal Song, sung by Mr Beard)+ [p.155] [tune: Over the hills & far away]
134. Howard: The chace is o'er and on the plain (A Favourite Hunting Song, sung by Mr Beard) [p.156]
135. Boyce: The Constant Lover ("If you my wand'ring heart would find")+ [p.159]
136. Russel: Cloe Purse'd ("When Cloe by your slave pursu'd)+ [p.160]
137. Worgan: The meads and the groves in such verdure shone (A Song to a favourite Air) [p.161]
138. Prelleur°: Baucis and Philemon ("Tho Baucis and I are both ancient and poor")+ [p.162]
139. Holcombe: Happy Paper ("Go happy Paper gently steal")+ [p.163]
140. Oswald: Sould love sincere devoid of artless joy (A Favourite Song) [p.164]
141. Oswald: Love and Reason ("Ye heav'nly pow'rs who guard the fair") [p.165]
142. Anonymous: Walley's Complaint ("Oh who is me poor Walley cry'd")+ [p.166]
143. Anonymous: God save great George our King (A Loyal Song)+ [p.167] [tune: God save or King]
144. Larken: Mutual Love ("How few amongst the thousands pairs")+ [p.168]
145. Worgan: When mighty Sol at noon of day (A Song Sung by Mr Lowe)+ [p.169]
146. Gladwin: Colin's Description of Vauxhall ("O Mary soft in feature") [p.170]
147. Oswald: The Mutual Kiss ("Coelia (Celia) by those smiling graces")+ [p.171]
148. Anonymous: Bumper Esquire Jones ("Ye good fellows all who love to be told")+ [p.172] [based on Carolan's Irish fiddle tune of the same name]
149. Carey: Reason for Ranging ("View my eyes my lovely charmer")+ [p.174]
150. Boyce: Venus to sooth my heart (A Favourite Song)+ [p.175]
151. Oswald: The Indiferent Lover ("What means this niceness now of late")+ [p.176]
152. Tortoriti: Advice to Sylvia ("Sylvia wilt thou wast thy prime")+ [p.177]
153. Boyce: Goddess of Ease ("Goddess of ease leave Lethe's brink") [p.178]
154. Galliard: Fill each Bowl ("Fill each bowl with flowing measure")+ [p.179]
155. Corfe: Fill me a Bowl a mighty bowl + [p.180]
156. Oswald: The Lukewarm Lover ("Whilst I gaze on Chloe trembling") [p.182]
157. Howard: Sportive Zephyrus ("Sportive Zephyrus fondly blowing") [p.183]
158. Corfe: The Lady of the May ("Pretty want come away") [p.184]
159. Crome: To Coelia [Celia] ("Why Coelia this wavering and doubting of mind")+ [p.185]
160. Worgan: Florella and Chloe ("Florella lovely nymph forbear to cloud a face") [p.186]
161. Oswald: How long Eliza must I languish (A New Song) [p.187]
162. Worgan: Ye tender pow'rs how shall I move (A Favourite Cantata, Sung by Mr Lowe at Vauxhall) [p.188]
163. Heighington: On a Lady being Drown'd ("Fast by the margin of the sea") [p.191]
164. Worgan: The happy Swain ("As Damon in a summers day")+ [p.192]
165. Crookenden: When with good wine the tables crown'd (A new Song) [p.193]
166. Hasse: Roger and Sue ("One morn sweet Sue") (A Ballad to a Favourite Air by Sigr Hasse)+ [p.194]
167. Russel: Female Fortitude ("Young Daphne brightest creature") [p.196]
168. Anonymous: See Stella as your health returns (A Favourite Song)+ ["set by a Lady"]° [p.197]
169. Hodson: The Fickle Swain ("From clime to clime my heart does rove")+ [p.198]
170. Crookenden: Celia ("As Celia in her garden stayd")+ [p.199]
171. Heighington: The Dream on Anacreon ("When gentle sleep had charm'd my breast") [p.200]
First Publication. 1739
Language English
Average DurationAvg. Duration 3-5 minutes each
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Baroque
Piece Style Baroque
Instrumentation voice, continuo; voice, recorder/flute, continuo; 2 voices, continuo
Extra Information See also the follow-up collection Clio and Euterpe

Navigation etc.

Each song headed by a vignette
"*" indicates figured bass symbols
"+" indicates that a flute transcription follows the song
° composer listed in another source

Other composers (without IMSLP pages); some of these may in fact be the lyricist rather than the composer: Mr Alland, Sigr. Anglosini, Mr Barker (of Coventry), Mr Barnard, Bowman, Arthur Bradley, Mr Brereton, Mr Brown, Mr Henry Burges junior, Mr Cannington, Mr Clarke, Mr Cox, Mr Crookenden, Mr Digard, Mr Duncalfe, Eaton, Mr William Fisher (of Hereford), Mr Froud(e), Mr Gladwin, Mr Gouge, Graves, Mr Harris, Mr Hawkins, Mr George Hayden, Mr Hayward, Mr William Hodson, Mr John Hudson, Mr James, Mr Kempton, J. Kilburn?, Mr Larken, Mr Lestrange, Mr Charles Lulman, Mr Marchand, Mr Markwell, Mr Jonathan Martin (late organist to his Majesty), Mr Thomas Phillips, Mr Popely, Sigr. Putti, D. Rizzio (pseudonym of James Oswald), Mr Russel, Mr Sandford, Mr Seedo, Mr Stubley, Mr Fisher Tench, Tenoe, Sigr. Tortoriti, Mr Vanbrugh, Mr R. Vincent, Mr Webber, Mr Wood, Miss Worgan, Anthony(?) Young.


Volume I

[alphabetical listing]
At Polwart on the Green (The Kind Lass of Polwart)
As Musing I rang'd
Ah! stay ye wanton Gales
As from a Rock
A Swain of Love
As Northern Winds
Allexis how artless a Lover
A Lass that was loaden with care
As Celia near a fountain lay
As after noon one summer's day
As Chloe o'er the meadow past
Away away we've crown'd the day
A starving life
Blow on ye winds
Bacchus assist us
Busy curious thirsty fly
Believe my sighs
By men belov'd
Blest with my Silvia
Bird of May
By a murmuring stream
Bacchus one day gayly striding
By smooth winding Tay
Beneath a shady willow
Beauty & Wit Illustrious Maid
Britons where is your great magnanimity
Cruel creature can you leave me
Charmer permit me to make a surrender
Clarissa shines along the plains
Chaste Lucretia
Cupid, god of gay desires
Cupid & Venus one day
Come all ye youths
Cloe when I view
Come take your glass
Could'st thou give me a pleasure
Charming Cloe look with pity
Come fair nymphs
Celia has a thousand charms
Crouds of Coxcombs
Chloris in native purple bright
Cease the Rovers
Clorinda hear my Moan
Dumbarton's Drums
Domestic bird
Divinest fair
Dear Collin prevent my warm blushes
Dear Cloe while thus beyond measure
Dear Cloe attend to th'advice of a friend
Damon ask'd me but once
Dear Charming Beauty
Frown not my dear (The Apology)
From place to place
Farewell ye hills & valleys
Fond Echo
Foolish women fly men's charms
False tho' she be to me
For haughty Phillis
From White's & Will's
Fair & soft and gay and young
Flocks are sporting dove
Fond Celadon
From grave lessons and restraint
Fair Sally
Glide swiftly on thou silver stream
Genteel in personage
Gentle god of pleasing pains
Guardian Angels now protect me
Glide gently on thou murmuring brook
Gentle breezes silent shades
Hear me ye nymphs (Bush aboon Traquair)
Help me each harmonious grove (Colin's Request)
How happy are we
How is it possible
Happy's the love that meets return
How can I well describe the joy
How wretched is a maiden's fate
How dully wise
Happy's the youthful swain
Happy hours
Hail Burgundy
How happy a state does a miller possess
He's a man ev'ry inch I assure you
How can you lovely Nancy
If all that I love is her face
In April when primroses
If the glasses they empty
I love I doat
Know I shan't envy him
Know Madam I never was born
Long have I strove his heart to gain (The Complaining Lover)
Love's Goddess in a myrtle grove
Leave me shepherd
Long have I lov'd
Long from the force of beauty's charms
Little Siren of the stage
Love's a gentle gen'rous passion
Linco found Damon
Life is chequer'd
Lucretia the Empire of Rome
Little Flea why so blood thirsty
My goddess Celia
Moggy and Jenny both do undo me
My Patie is a lover gay
My jolly companion
My Dady's a delver of dykes
No more shall buds
Near some smooth stream
Oh my tender panting heart
On dear Zelinda's charms I gaze
Oh say what is that thing call'd Light
Oh Celia recall thy lost hours
Once fair Serena
Of all the torments, all the cares
Oh my pretty Punchinello
O greedy Midas
Old Chiron thus preach'd
Oft on the troubled Ocean's face
Pensive alone the desart plains
Return return my lovely nymph
Stella darling of the Muses
Since drinking has power
Sigh no more my lovely Celia
Sad Musidora
Save Women and Wine
See Phillis yonder bower
Sooner than I'll my love forego
Silvia the fair
Sweet Annie
The nymph that undoes me
The Lass of Broomhall Green
The charms of Florimel
The wounded deer
Thou rising sun
The Lass of Patie's Mill
Too long thou tyrant love
'Tis masonry unites mankind
Thou little blind deceiver
'Twas on a river's verdant side
There's auld Rob Morris
Twa bonny lads were Sawney & Jockey
The smiling morn
The collier has a daughter
Tell me tell me charming creature
There liv'd long ago in a country place
Too plain dear youth
To thee O! gentle sleep
Too lovely fair one
'Twas when the seas were roaring
To the God of Wine
The jolly breeze
The wakeful nightingale
'Tis thee I love
Vain Belinda
When Fanny blooming fair
What beauties does Flora disclose (Charming Moggy)
When love & youth
Who to win a woman's favour
Why do you fix your eyes on mine
Will you credit a miser
When I survey Clarinda's charms
With arts oft practic'd
What can assuage
When Chloe fair
Why cruel creature
Wanton Cupid cease to hover
When Charming Chloe
Why does my looks
Why will Florella
Whilst Celia's eyes my heart subdues
Wherever I am
When Delia on the plain appears
While Strephon on fair Cloe hung
What care I for affairs of State
With Early Horn
When e'er my Cloe I begin
Whilst endless tears
With broken words & down cast eyes
Waft me some soft and cooling breeze
When bright Aurelia
When trees did bud
When for a silly glitt'ring toy
What tho' they call me country lass
What dire misfortune hath befell
Ye gales that gently wave the sea
Ye Muses hail the Royal Dame
Ye nymphs and ye swains
Ye gentle gales that fan the air
Young Thirsis
Ye purple blooming roses
Volume II