C. Dieckmann

cover ca.1900
Dieckmann-Schuberth-Tretbar cover ca.1900




C. Dieckmann of Leipzig published mainly light music for piano from 1888 to about 1920. Typical composers were Martin Roeder, Ludvig Schytte, Otto Hakh (piano), Ovide Musin and Victor Hollaender (violin), and the best known is Victor Herbert.

The firm also published books, such as the complete works of the sociologist Eduard Reich (1836-1919).


Plate Numbers

Plate Composer Work Year
198 Poldini Etudes de concert, Op.19 (nos.2&5) 1898

Note: C.F.T. plates are apparently C.F. Tretbar plates of Baden-Baden, co-issued by Dieckmann.

 / 1  
Plate #Full PlateComposerWorkIMSLP #Full YearYear
6C.D. 6Herbert, VictorThe Wizard of the Nile#44587818961896
299C.F.T. No. 299, 301Klein, Bruno Oscar5 Lieder, Op.74#65323819011901
372C. F. T. 372Hofmann, JózefIntermezzo, Op.34#10814n.d.[1903]1903
374C.F.T. Nº 374Hofmann, JózefEtude for the Left Hand Alone, Op.32#05961n.d.[1903]1903
375C. F. T. 375-382Hofmann, Józef8 Préludes, Op.30#10816n.d.[1903]1903
Total: 5 items

Imprints, Agencies, Addresses


Sources Consulted