Breitkopf & Härtels Viola-Bibliothek

Ambox notice.pngThis page is specifically for the Viola-Bibliothek series of Breitkopf und Härtel, not to be confused with the Viola Library.

typical garland cover and partial list ca.1900
typical garland cover and one work title ca.1900




In other languages:

  • English: Breitkopf & Härtel’s Editions Library of Viola Music
  • Français: Editions Breitkopf & Härtel Bibliothèque pour Alto


This series, one of many Bibliotheke, started in about 1900. The items were a mixture of original works, and arrangements mainly by Friedrich Hermann. Most of the plates dated from 1850-1880, and some of the older editions even featured the old-style piano part rather than piano score, as with the Onslow sonatas.

Arrangers and Editors

Friedrich Hermann (1828-1907)


  • Breitkopf & Härtel



Ed. № Plate Composer Work Title Editor(S) Year of Publication Remarks
Bach 6 Violin Sonatas, BWV 1014-1019 Friedrich Hermann
Corder Rumänische Weisen No.3 (A) Friedrich Hermann
Forberg Op.21 Pastorale (D) Friedrich Hermann
Bargiel Adagio Op.38 Ausgabe für Viola und Pianoforte
Bruch Canzone, Op.55 Friedrich Hermann
Onslow 3 Cello Sonatas, Op.16
Brucken Fock Viola Sonata, Op.5
Gade Violin Sonata No.1, Op.6 Heinrich Dessauer
Gade Allegretto (Fism.) aus der Symphonie No. 3 (Am.) Op.15 Friedrich Hermann
Gade Violin Sonata No.2, Op.21
Grieg Violin Sonata No.2, Op.13
Götz Op.2 3 leichte Stücke
(Marsch, Romanze, Rondo.)
Friedrich Hermann
Hering Op.14 No.16 Rondino (C) Friedrich Hermann
Hubay 3 Pieces, Op.14 Friedrich Hermann
Joachim 3 Stücke, Op.2 No.1 Heinrich Dessauer
Joachim Variationen über ein eigenes Thema, Op.10
Joachim Hebräische Melodien, Op.9
Maczewski 6 Stücke for Viola, Op.3
Matthison- Hansen Cello Sonata Op.16
Mozart Andante from a string quintet
Naumann Viola Sonata, Op.1
Reinecke 3 Fantasiestücke for Viola and Piano, Op.43
Rensburg Am Meeresstrande: 3 Charakterstücke op.4
(Elégie, Matrosenlied, Nocturne)
Rosenhain Sonate Dm Op.98
Rubinstein Viola Sonata, Op.49
Scharwenka Viola Sonata, Op.106
Hermann Die hohe Schule des Violaspiels David Hermann
Schumann Märchenbilder, Op.113
Spohr Recitativ und Adagio aus dem Konzert für Violine Nr.6 Friedrich Hermann
Spohr Adagio aus dem Konzert für Violine Nr.9
Tibbe Albumblatt, Op.7
Volkmann Romanze, Op.7 Friedrich Hermann

See Also

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