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General Information
Work Title
Brasilianische Volkslieder und Indianische Melodien
Alternative. Title
Spix, Johann Baptist von
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
8 Brazilian traditional songs (1 lundú), 14 indigenous traditional Brazilian melodies
- Brazilianische Volkslieder (nos.1-8 arranged for voice and piano):
- 1. Acaso são estes (S. Paulo)
- 2. Qual será o feliz dia (S. Paulo)
- 3. Perdi o rafeiro na inchente afogado (S. Paulo)
- 4. Pracer igual ao que eu sinto no mundo não haverá (Minas & Bahia)
- 5. No regaço da ventura Marilia vive a brincar (Minas)
- 6. Foi-se Jozino e deixou-me (Bahia)
- 7. Escuta formoza Marcia tristes ais do teu pastor (S. Paulo)
- 8. Uma mulata bonita não careça rezar (Minas & Goyaz)
- 9. Lundum Brasilian Volkstanz (single melody line in treble clef)
- Indianische Melodien (all are single melody line in treble clef):
- 10. Bei dem Trinkfest der Coroados
- 11. Tanze der Puris
- 12. Keuchend
- 13. Mit stiller Lidenschaft
- 14. Tanze der Muras
- 15. Andante
- 16. Tanze der Turi-Tabocas
- 17. Andatino come Allegretto
- 18. Tanze der Miranhas
- 19. Allegretto quasi Marcia
- 20. Allegro
- 21. Andante
- 22. Gesang der rudernden Indianer in Rio Negro
- 23. Der Fischtanz der Indianer in Rio Negro
First Publication.
1830 ca.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Traditional (folk)
voice, piano (arranged) ; treble instrument (arranged)
Navigation etc.
Comments from Carolus: "Looking at the publication it seems one or both of the naturalists might have been conversant with musical notation. This is hardly surprising since most people in Bavaria of a certain class would have been instructed in music as part of their general education. The poor folk of Munich were not able to afford the substantial funds to take a merchant vessel halfway around the world in the early decades of the 19th century - the voyage alone would have been weeks. As nobody was credited with the piano accompaniments or the transcriptions of what was heard it is logical to assume one of the two naturalists did at least the basic work - though it's also certainly possible their own work was in a sketch form and they simply paid a local musician either in Brazil or in Munich to flesh out the details for publication (as the author of the dissertation above notes), which also seems to have been at the authors' own expense as there is no imprint to be seen. This small volume is merely a supplement to a larger volume(s) covering other subjects of their journey. If that one has a publisher it is probably the same for the supplement."