Bayley & Ferguson

Songbook cover 1912
Violin collection by Moffat 1909




Joseph Bayley and Mungo B. Ferguson started this firm in 1884 in Glasgow. It published mainly Scottish works for general use, such as The Scottish Students' Song Book (1897), The British Students' Song Book (1912), Dance Music of the North (ed Moffat, 1908), and The Harp and Claymore (1890).

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Bayley & Ferguson


  • 54 Queen Street, Glasgow
  • 2 Great Marlborough Street W., London

Plate Numbers

B&F ### Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
1812 Holst 4 Old English Carols, Op.20b 1909
1602 Moffat Trio-Album 1920
2050 Orr Symphony in One Movement 1965

Sources Consulted