
Typical cover
Color cover 1872




Adolf Bösendorfer managed this Viennese firm from 1870 to 1890, publishing popular music. Its catalog included operettas, songs, piano music and male voice choruses. Typical composers were Carl Millöcker, Joseph Koch (v. Langentreu) Paul Caro, Julius Stern (composer of Wiener Posse a type of operetta), and Wiener Couplets composer Anton Göller.

The firm also issued several magazines:

  • Musikalische Presse (Monatshefte interessanter Pfte-Musik) ed. Carl Millöcker 1872-,
  • Musik- u. Theater-Journal, (illustrirtes. Wochenschrift f. das gesammte musikalische, literarische u. Bühnenleben der Gegenwart.) ed. Otto Reinsdorf. 1876-
  • Neue WienerZeitschrift, f. Musik. ed Th. Rättig 1879-.

In addition to contemporary works there were a few historical items such as Historische Klaviermusik. Meister des 17. u. 18. Jahrh. 1877, ed Joh. Heinr Bonawitz.

The firm could be related to the piano building firm of the same name, started by Ignaz Bösendorfer in Vienna in 1828 and managed by his son Ludwig Bösendorfer from 1859.

Imprints, Agencies, Addresses


  • Adolf Bösendorfer


Vienna Herrengasse 6

Plate Numbers

Plate numbers appear in the following format: A.B. ###. Dates in italics are estimated.

Plate Composer Work Year
134 Müller Grosses Duo, Op.11 1872
204 Brukenthal Romance, Op.9 1872


  • HMB

Authority Control