Apparebit repentina dies (Hindemith, Paul)

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Editor Stephen Gaselee (1882-1943)
First edition
Publisher. Info. London: Schott & Co. Ltd., No.136, 1948. Plate 37488.
Misc. Notes 600 dpi. Page size is 10.6" x 13".
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Vocal Scores

Editor Stephen Gaselee (1882-1943)
First edition ?
Publisher. Info. London: Schott & Co. Ltd., 1947.
Misc. Notes 600 dpi. Page size is 7" x 10.5".
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Free Recordings

  • Stuttgart Southwest Radio Vocal Ensemble with the Brass Section (members) of the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra, Marcus Creed (conductor)
1. Apparebit repentina dies magna Domini (6:01)
2. Hujus omnes ad electi colligentur dexteram (5:03)
3. Retro ruent tunc injusti ignes in perpetuos (6:04)
4. Ydri fraudes ergo cave, infirmantes subleva (2:54)

General Information

Work Title Apparebit repentina dies
Alternative. Title Medieval poems for mixed chorus and brass instruments
Composer Hindemith, Paul
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IPH 6
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 4 movements
  1. Apparebit repentina dies magna Domini
  2. Hujus omnes ad electi colligentur dexteram
  3. Retro ruent tunc injusti ignes in perpetuos
  4. Ydri fraudes ergo cave, infirmantes subleva
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1947-02-23, New Haven
First Performance. 1947 May in Cambridge, Massachusetts
Robert Shaw (conductor)
First Publication. 1947
Librettist Anonymous
Language Latin
Dedication Written for the Symposium on Music criticism,
Harvard University, Massachusetts, May 1947.
Average DurationAvg. Duration 17 minutes
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Modern
Piece Style Modern
Instrumentation Vocal: mixed chorus (SATB)
Brass Ensemble: 4 horns (F), 2 trumpets (Bâ™­), 3 trombones, tuba
External Links Hindemith Foundation

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  • The Latin Poems are from the Oxford Book of Medieval Latin Verse written sometime before 700 AD. (PDF) -Sallen112