Antoni Kocipiński




Composer and music publisher Antoni Kocipiński (1816-1866) was active in Ukraine during the mid 19th century. He was born into a musical Polish family near Krakow and was educated in Lviv, where he developed an interest in musical ethnology. On return from exile in Vienna, he opened a music shop on the Kreshchatyk, Kiev in 1855.

Kocipiński collected and published Ukrainian folk songs, a second edition of which was published in Latin (Polish) script for an international audience in 1862 as "Pisni, dumki i szumki ruśkoho naroda na Podoli, Ukraini i w Małorossyi".

Despite police surveillance, he held weekly musical evenings of Polish and Ukrainian songs. He was attacked in the press for printing Cossack songs in the Latin script (which was prohibited at the time), and Kiev authorities eventually banned the sale of his music books. On his death, the authorities seized his music collection. His works were not republished for another twenty-five years.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Kiev
  • Kaminiec Podolski
  • Zhytomyr

Plate Numbers

Plate numbers are in the follow format: A.K.###. Dates in italics are estimated.

With plate numbers

Plate Composer Work Year
94 Zawadzki Polichinelle polka, Op.27 1860
272 Sobański Trois polkas 1865

Without plate numbers

Composer Work Year
Kocipiński Deux polonaises, Op.5 1851

Sources Consulted

  • Maurice J. E. Brown. "The Posthumous Publication of Chopin's Songs." The Musical Quarterly 42, no. 1 (1956): 51-65.
  • Hamm, Michael F. Kiev: A Portrait, 1800-1917. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2014.
  • "Антон Коціпінський". 2018. Uk.Wikipedia.Org.Антон_Коціпінський.

Authority control
