Misc. Notes
Bibliothèque nationale de France, Musique (F-Pn): VM3-225 (3) 1. Act III, Sc.7. Aria of Farnaspe: Son sventurato ma pure stelle 2. Act III, Sc.8. Duetto: Prendi, o cara, in questo amplesso 3. Act III, Sc.5. Aria of Osroa: Non ritrova un alma forte 4. Act II, Sc.3. Aria of Adriano: La ragion, gli affetti ascolta 5. Act III, Sc.6. Aria of Emirena: Quel cor che mi donasti 6. Act II, Sc.11. Aria of Farnaspe: Amor, dover, rispetto This file is based on high-resolution images obtained from the source using a method explained on this page.