Abraham Lundquist AB




Abraham Lundquist AB was founded in 1838 by Abraham Lundquist (1817-1892). It became Abr. Lundquists Kongl. Hof-Musikhandel in 1865. In 1892 his son Georg took it over. The corporate designation Abraham Lundquist AB took place sometime in the first decade of the 20th century.

Imprints, Addresses, Agencies


  • Abraham Lundquist 1868-1865
  • Abr. Lundquists Kongl. Hof-Musikhandel 1865-ca.1905
  • Abraham Lundquist AB ca.1905-present


  • Stockholm

Plate Numbers

Sometimes have the prefix Abr. L.

Plate Composer Work Year
2036 Hallström Melusina (arr. pf) 1882
2573 Netzel Humoresker för Piano, Op.26 1889
3359 Peterson-Berger Violin Sonata (No.1) 1901
3967 Peterson-Berger Svensk folkmusik, Häfte 1
4336 Beckman 6 Songs, Op.18 1910
4677-82 Palmgren Spring, Op.47 1915
5405 Bengtsson Engelbrekt (for tenor and men's chorus) 1934
5483 Hanson, E. Sju gotlandspolskor arrangerade för två fioler 1939

Authority Control

Sources Consulted

Note: dates are more precisely estimated in a publication such as Svensk bok-katalog than in a primarily German journal such as Hofmeisters Monatsberichte (obviously and one needn't say.)