Work Title
A Collection of Glees and Catches
Alternative. Title
A Collection of Glees and Catches for three and Four Voices As they are Performed at the Noblemen and Gentlemens Catch Club Never before Printed composed by Joseph Baildon
Baildon, Joseph
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
see below
- What Anacreon lov'd we drink
- The Bacchanalian - Come bind my brows, ye wood nymphs
- When Gay Bacchus Fills My Breast
- To a Lady who desir'd to defer Acceptance of a Perishable Commodity On the 1st of May. - The primrose op'ning grac'd the bank
- The Praise of Bacchus - Bacchus, Jove's delightful boy
- Ode on Solitude - Happy the man whose wish and care
- Anacreon on Himself - Oft with wanton smiles and jeers
- Friendly Advice - Prithee, friend, fill t'other pipe
- When is it best, said John to Joan (gained 1st Prize Gold Medal, 1762)
- A Catch for the Ladies - Ye heav'ns if Innocence deserve your care
- Cried Strephon, Panting
- Epitaph on a Blacksmith - My sledge and hammer lie reclin'd
- The Oldest Catch - Adam catch'd Eve by the furbelow
- Says My Lord to His Lady
- Master Speaker
see below
- 1. Richard Rolt (1724–1770)
- 2. Mr. Mozeen
- 3, 5, 7. Francis Fawkes (1720–1777) (3. = translator of Ode 26 by Anacreon)
- 4. unattributed
- 6. Alexander Pope (1688–1744)
- 8. unattributed
- Catch texts unattributed
the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Catch Club at the Thatch'd House Tavern St. James's Street
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
3 voices, continuo (glees) ; 3-4 voices