ABCDario Musico (Anonymous)

Sheet Music


Publisher. Info. Bath: printed for the Authors, and sold at the Rooms, 1780.

General Information

Work Title ABCDario Musico
Alternative. Title ABC Dario Musico
Composer Anonymous
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
First Publication. 1780
Language English
Piece Style Classical

Navigation etc.

An entertaining piece of history, giving a glimpse into what some members of the public really thought about the musical celebrities of the late 18th century.

Including the Arnes, Samuel Arnold, C.F. Abel, T. Aylward, L. Atterbury, J.C. Bach, Barthelemon, Battishill, J. Burton, Baumgarten, Bertoni, the Burneys, Butler, Cramer, Carter, B. Cooke, Clementi, Crosdill, Cervetto, Dibdin, Dupuis, Fisher, Fischer, Giardini, Giordani, Garth, Harrop, Hook, Howard, Jackson of Exeter, Kennedy, Kelway, Keeble, Kammel, the Linleys, La Motte, the Le Bruns, Leoni, Nares, Norris, Parsons, Piazzi, Pachierotti, Parke, Pinto, Rauzzani, Rush, Richards, Stamitz, Snow, Sacchini, Stanley, J.C. Smith, Schroeter, Tacet, Tenducci, Vachon, Vernon, Westley, the Weichsels, Dr. Worgan, Zinzan.