9 songs
- Ak I Snefnug (after the Russian). Semplice (G minor)
- Svalen (after the Czech). Leggiero (G major)
- Skin ud, Du klare Solskin (after the Old German). Allegro (E-flat major)
- I Würzburg (after the Old German). Andante, Marcato (F major)
- Birketræet (after the Russian). Andante e ben legato (E minor)
- Kan du kjende mig (after the Russian). Andantino (A-flat major)
- Ak min Ungdom du (after the Russian). Con moto (F minor)
- Hej du Maane (after the Ukrainian). Scherzando (G major)
- Der rinder en Bæk (after the Old German). Andante con moto (A minor)