Work Title
8 Rondos
Alternative. Title
Eight Rondo's for the Piano Forte. with or without the Additional Keys Composed from the following favorite English and Scotch Airs.
Butler, Thomas Hamly
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No.
None [force assignment]
8 rondos
- Rondo on Say little foolish flutt'ring thing
- Rondo on The Bush aboon Traquair
- Rondo on My ain kind dearie
- Rondo on Roy's wife of Aldivalloch
- Rondo on Whar wad Bonie Annie Lie
- Rondo on If 'tis Joy to wound a Lover
- Rondo on Cauld kail in Aberdeen
- Rondo on Killie Crankie
Lady Charlotte Campbell
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Extra Information
No.8 has this note: This Rondo was composed and written in three hours after a Lady had hinted a wish that the Author would try the Subject _ and was Engraved & Printed in a day & a half afterwards.