Publisher. Info.
Paris: V. Dufaut et Dubois, n.d. Plate 461.1.
Misc. Notes
Sold in Toulouse at Louis Meissonnier Aîné & Cie, rue Saint-Rome. The latter have glued their own company label on to the original one on the inside title page. The plate-printed pages are not in a strict chronological order, which explains one lady (presumably) carefully threading through a nice green ribbon (easily untied for the scanning process) to keep the pages aligned. The Paris firm tackled the composer's complete collection of works for the harp according to the general cover which specifies they acquired Bochsa Senior's assets as well as Mrs Duhan's. Presumably from the Moulis-Gauckler-Herrenschmidt Archives (in the Toulouse region, thus justifying the purchase area)
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