25 Slovak Folk Songs (Novák, Vítězslav)

Sheet Music

General Information

Work Title 25 slovenských lidových písní
Alternative. Title 25 Slovak Folk Songs
Composer Novák, Vítězslav
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 25 songs
  1. Veje vetor po doline (The wind blows across the valley)
  2. Dolina, dolina (The valley, the valley)
  3. Láska, Bože, láska! (Love, O God, love!)
  4. Prevez, prevez, prievozníčku (Row, row, ferryman)
  5. Ej, mám ja koňa faku (Hey, I have a horse)
  6. A chtora dzivočka (And the wild beast)
  7. Dievča, dievča (Girl, girl)
  8. Široký jarčok (Wide stream)
  9. Anička, dušička (Annie, my soul)
  10. Teče voda ze skaly (The water flows from the rock)
  11. Hej zapadaj, slniečko (Hey, go down, dear sun)
  12. Dievča z Bielej hory (The girl from White Mountain)
  13. Včera mi má milá odkázala (Yesterday my darling left me)
  14. Čo to za holúbky (What kind of dove)
  15. Čo robíš Hanička (What are you doing, dear Hana)
  16. Kebych ja vedela (If I only knew)
  17. Preleť, sokol, cez ten háj (Fly, falcon, through the grove)
  18. Pyšná je sýkora, pýšná (Proud is the tit-bird, proud)
  19. Prší, prší, dášď sa leje (It's raining, it's raining, rain is falling)
  20. Oženel som sa, ale ne dobre (I married, but not well)
  21. Pod tým naším okenečkom (Beneath our little window)
  22. Zaspievaj kohútku (Sing, little rooster)
  23. Už som sa vydala (I'm already married)
  24. Vzal bych ťa dievčatko (I'd marry you, girl)
  25. Pime, chlapci, pime víno (Let's drink, boys, let's drink wine)
Librettist Unknown
Language Slovak
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voice, piano (arranged)
Extra Information Not identical with Slovak Songs! - In case of very few duplications, at least entirely different settings or even divergent melody.