(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Carré, Michel .)
Michel Carré (20 October 1821 — 27 June 1872)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Michael Carré ; Fonteille
Name in Other Languages: ميشيل كاريه , Мишел Каре , میشل کاره , Միշել Կարե , ミシェル・カレ , [4 more... ] 미셸 카레 , Мишель Карре , Michel Carre , 米歇尔·卡雷
Aliases: Карре, Мишель , Michel-Antoine-Florentin Carré , Fonteille , Jules Dubois , Michel Antoine Florentin Carré
Authorities - WorldCat , Wikipedia , VIAF : 18030378 , LCCN : n84132579 , ISNI : 0000000122770899 , [12 more... ] GND : 119374536 , SELIBR : 304435 , SUDOC : 030242991 , BNF : 12170099z , MusicBrainz : bc37ab81-2e5f-4300-adbc-601d39793c77 , NLA : 36089946 , NDL : 01140695 , NKC : jn19990001342 , ICCU : LO1V271902 , BNE : XX1030389 , CiNii : DA04249463 , IATH : w6ww7vrq
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Not to be confused with his son Michel Antoine Carré (1865-1945), also a librettist. The father is often credited as author by libraries for works which were actually written by his son.
Pages in category "Carré, Michel/Librettist"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
❉ – All (72) 🔊 – Recordings (7) 𝐍 – Naxos (19) S – Scores (37) P – Parts (16) V – Vocal Scores (45) A – Arrangements and Transcriptions (23) L – Libretti (6) 🔀 📻
B C D F G H J L M Le mariage aux lanternes (Offenbach, Jacques) Le médecin malgré lui, CG 3 (Gounod, Charles) 20 Mélodies, 2e recueil (Gounod, Charles) 20 Mélodies, 3ème recueil (Gounod, Charles) 20 Mélodies, 4e recueil (Gounod, Charles) 20 Mélodies (Massé, Victor)M cont. N P Les papillottes de Mr. Benoist (Reber, Napoléon Henri) Le pardon de Ploërmel (Meyerbeer, Giacomo) Paul et Virginie (Massé, Victor) Les pêcheurs de Catane (Maillart, Aimé) Les pêcheurs de perles (Bizet, Georges) La petite Fadette (Semet, Théophile) Philémon et Baucis, CG 5 (Gounod, Charles) Polyeucte, CG 11 (Gounod, Charles) Pourquoi? (Missa, Edmond) Psyché (Thomas, Ambroise)Q R S T V