White, Smith & Co.

cover 1914
cover 1928




Founded 1867 by Charles Albert White (1832–1892), William Francis Smith (1840–1891) and John Frank Perry (of New Bedford). Perry withdrew in 1874 to start his own firm.

The firm was involved in a very famous case decided by the US Supreme Court in 1908, White-Smith vs. Apollo which ultimately resulted in the introduction of the provision for a compulsory license for the manufacture and distribution of recordings in the major revision of the copyright law enacted in 1909. Though one of the most successful music publishers in the United States at the time of the famous court case - boasting 9 branch offices, the firm declined over the ensuing decades and was utimately sold to Edwin H. Morris & Co. of New York in 1944, who continued to use the imprint until 1973.

See also their Wikipedia article.


  • The Folio (1869–1895)

Imprints, Agencies, Addresses


  • White, Smith & Perry (1867-1874)
  • White, Smith & Co. (1874-ca.1888)
  • White-Smith Music Publishing Co. (1889-ca.1980)


  • 298, 300 Washington Street, Boston
  • 516 Washington Street, Boston
  • 188 & 190 State Street, Chicago (1882)

Changed address by 1875.

Plate Numbers

Plate Composer Work Year
10 Howe, T.H. Sorrow 1868
138 Studley 3 Waverley Waltzes 1869
202 Williams Kully! Vere's Your Cat? (arr.Braham) 1870
357 Ryder Little Footsteps, Op.52 1870
369 Thayer 3 Offertoires, Op.8 1870
623 Buck 6 Short Choral Preludes, Op.49 1871
867–69 Murray Musical Hour (Nos.1 to 3) 1878
872 Murray Musical Hour (No.6) 1880
883 Studley The Grand Duke 1873
985 Turner The Swallow's Home, Op.318 1872
996 Ryder Mountain Echoes, Op.57 1872
1053 Studley Fly To The Mountains 1872
1152 Ryder Sounds from the Glen, Op.61 1872
1231 Ryder On the Lake, Op.66 1873
1361 Blake The Shepherd's Evening Song, Op.26 1874
1711 Wilson Sounds From The Palisades, Op.48 1874
1862 Blake Chiming Bells, Op.129 1878
1893 Blake Golden Clouds, Op.166 1878
2059 Ryder Niagara, Op.74 1878
2101 Studley The Grand Duke (arr. pf 4h) 1874
2138 Blake Clayton's Grand Waltz 1878
2198 Ryder Danse Des Demons, Op.78 1878
2247 Ryder Sunset Shadows, Op.80 1875
2357 Blake Grand potpourri de concert sur 'Giroflé-Girofla' 1878
2409 Blake Heavenward Bound, Op.211 1878
2473 White The Old Log Cabin in the Dell. 1875
2485 Ryder Wilson's Funeral March 1875
2538 Blake Ivanhoe Commandery Grand March 1878
2648 Blake Hercules 1877
2717 Blake Whispering Waves 1876
3056 Blake Hercules (pf 4 hds) 1878
3189 Ryder Festive Dance, Op.95 1877
3190 Blake Clayton's Grand Waltz 1878
3232 Clayton Come Back to Me, Darling Eileen 1877
3295 Blake Ivanhoe Commandery Grand Waltz 1878
3326 Lucas The Day I Was Sot Free! 1878
3330 Ryder Clustering Memories, Op.98 1878
3395 Müller Smiling Through Tears, Op.192 1879
3882 Strauss Jr. Die Fledermaus (Waltz, arr. piano Alfred Warren) 1880
3906 Danks Beautiful Dreams 1880
3969 Ryder The Thunder Storm, Op.108 1880
3982 Ryder Ever Longing, Op.109 1880
4027 Read Offertoire in A-flat major 1880
4244 Blake Beautiful Brides' March 1882
4249 Danks Crown of Jewels (No.3) 1882
4351 Ryder Blooming Meadow, Op.110 1881
4477-78 Satter 3 Morceaux de Concert (Nos.2, 1) 1881
4551 Satter 3 Morceaux de Concert (No.3) 1881
4612 Blake Potpourri de Concert on 'Patience' 1881
4630 Ryder Annie Laurie, Op.112 1882
4636 Blake Beautiful Brides' March (pf 4 hds) 1882
4661 Eilenberg Schmeichelkätzchen, Op.25 (simp.pf. Riche) 1882
4689-90 Schubert Les roses (pf 4 hds, Riche) 1882
4700, 4712 Danks Crown of Jewels (Nos.1, 7) 1882
4878 Maas Lulu's Own Polka 1882
4973 Vannah Sunbeam 1883
5000 Danks Crown of Jewels (No.8) 1882
5221 Lavallée Tu es Petrus (vs) 1883
5425 Studley Oh! These Men 1884
5448 Blake A Trip to Africa 1884
5518 Blake Hon. Grover Cleveland's March Brillante 1884
5562, 5586 Vieuxtemps 3 Feuilles d’album, Op.40 (No.1, ed. Eichberg) 1884
5624 Gabriel The Boat of My Laddie 1884
5657–58 Batiste 2 Pieces, Op.19 1884
5780 Maas Rooster Polka 1885
5801 Whiting Henry of Navarre, Op.48 (vocal score) 1885
5809 Jonas Capriccio, Op.55 1885
5931 Danks Crown of Jewels (No.12) 1885
5954 Benedict Polonaise No.1, Op.2 1885
5982 Danks Crown of Jewels (No.13) 1885
5984 Ryder Love's Message, Op.116 1885

White-Smith Publishing Company

Plate Composer Work Year
11546 Heartz Miss Simplicity 1901
11923 Read Offertoire in B-flat major 1902
12659 Read Meditation 1905
14470 Cadman I Found Him on the Mesa (in D major) 1913

Sources Consulted

  • Scores from White, Smith, as often for legal reasons in the 19th century United States, generally have their own copyright either taken out by the composer or by the company - they rarely lack any copyright date at all, as more often with contemporary European scores. So constructing a plate table is somewhat easier.
  • The first page of "The Folio, of White, Smith and Company" by H. Earle Johnson, from American Music, Spring 1984 issue, vol.2 no.1, pp.88–104. That Perry withdrew in 1874 is also from this article.

Authority control

  • VIAF (White-Smith Music Pub. Co.)