⇒ 11 more: 2. El robo que robaste (The theft that thou hast robbed) • 3. Cristalina fuente (Crystalline fount) • 4. La soledad sonora (The sounding solitude) • 5. Nuestros umbrales (Our thresholds) • 6. Esposo: Fuiste reparada (Husband: Thou wert redressed) • 7. Nuestro lecho florido (Our flowery bed) • 8. De mi Amado bebí (Of my Beloved I have drunk) • 9. Haremos las guirnaldas (We will make the garlands) • 10. Gracia y hermosura en mí dejaste (Grace and beauty in me thou didst leave) • 11. Esposo: La blanca palomica (Husband: The little white dove) • 12. Gocémonos, Amado (Let us rejoice, Beloved)