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Performances [show]
Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
Boston: The Boston Music Co., 1928*. Plate B.M.Co. 8095.
Misc. Notes
*Excerpts do not qualify for a new copyright. One of three pieces required for the one act play Why the Chimes Rang by Elizabeth Apthorp McFadden.
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General Information
Work Title
Sortie en si bémol pour Orgue
Alternative. Title
Postlude in B-flat
Ropartz, Guy
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IGR 74
B-flat major
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp.
1896 August, Lanloup
First Publication.
1896 ca.?
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Early 20th century
Piece Style
Navigation etc.
Date of composition from a Leopold Muraille collection (plate 195-10) as noted in the BNF catalogue - possibly the first appearance of the Sortie in print.
Muraille plate table gives 1896 ca. publication date also.