This page is only for complete editions and multiple selections from the collection here. For arrangements, new editions, etc. see (or create) separate pages for individual works linked in the General Information section below. |
Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
London: Augener, No.8296, n.d.(1879). Plate 351.
Misc. Notes
This file is part of the Sibley Mirroring Project. Originally issued by Breitkopf & Härtel in 1878-79 as Sonntagsmusik. Reviewed in a March 1879 issue of the Monthly Musical Record.
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General Information
Work Title
Alternative. Title
Sunday Music; A Collection of 100 Pieces Extracted from the Sacred Vocal and Instrumental Works of the Most Celebrated Composers
Pauer, Ernst
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
None [force assignment]
100 pieces
- Schubert - Pax vobiscum
- Mozart - Andante in G major
- Schneider - Prayer (Stille der Andacht)
- Cherubini - Pie Jesu from the Requiem
- Haeser - Graduale from the Requiem, Op.34
- Schubert - Das Marienbild
- Haydn - Prayer (Gebet zu Gott)
- Arcadelt - Ave Maria
- Beethoven - Hope (An die Hoffnung)
- Mozart - Andante in D major
- Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (chorale)
- Mendelssohn - Andante in A major
- Beethoven - Andante in D major
- Haeser - Pie Jesu from the Requiem, Op.34
- Alle Menschen müssen sterben (chorale)
- Handel - Return, o God of hosts from the oratorio Samson
- Stradella - Sacred Aria (Kirchen-Arie)
- Beethoven - Nature's Praise of God (Die Ehre Gottes in der Natur)
- Mendelssohn - Song
- Hiller - Wie gross ist des Allmächt'gen Güte (chorale)
- Mozart - Ave verum
- Gluck - Hymn
- Bach - Chorus from the Passion-Music of St. Matthew
- Schubert - Litany (Litanei auf das Fest aller Seelen)
- Hiller - Hymn (Mein Gott, zu dem ich weinend flehe!)
- Mendelssohn - Song (The Pilgrim's Song)
- Auf, auf mein Herz, mit Freuden (chorale)
- Beethoven - Prayer (Bitten)
- Stradella - O Salutaris
- Himmel - Prayer
- Beethoven - Andante in E♭ major
- Ach, bleib'bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ (chorale)
- Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (chorale)
- Beethoven - Love of our Neighbour (Die Liebe des Náchsten)
- Mendelssohn - Adagio in E major
- Beethoven - March from the oratorio Mount of Olives
- Mendelssohn - But the Lord is Mindful of His Own from the oratorio St. Paul
- Alla Trinita beata (15th century cantique)
- Evening Hymn of the Moravian Brothers
- Handel - Ehr' sei im Himmelsthrone (chorale)
- Bach - Hymn in G minor
- Pergolesi - Stabat Mater
- Handel - Come, Ever Smiling Liberty from Judas Maccabeus
- Schumann - * * *
- Mendelssohn - Morning Song
- Beethoven - Andante in E major
- Handel - Adagio in B minor
- Pergolesi - Quando corpus morietur (Stabat Mater)
- Audersteh'n, ja aufersteh'n, wirst du (chorale)
- Haydn - The Heavens are Telling from The Creation
- Schütz - Hymn
- Lotti - Oh! Hide Thy Face, O Gracious God
- Mozart - Evening Thoughts
- Astorga - Sancta Mater from the Stabat Mater
- Bach - My Heart Ever Faithful
- Marcello - From Psalm I
- Crotch - Be Peace on Earth
- Righini - Te Deum
- Bless Thou Thy Maker (Old German)
- Bortniansky - Sanctus
- Palestrina - Agnus Dei
- Handel - Adagio and Presto
- Bortniansky - I Pray Unto the Power of Mercy
- Mozart - Andante
- Hiller - God is My Song (Gott ist mein Lied)
- Hiller - Thou Mourn'st, o Christ in Heavy Suff'ring (Du klagst, o Christ, in schwerem Leiden)
- Hiller - O Lord, Against Thee Only Have I Sinned (An dir allein, an dir hab'ich gesündigt)
- Handel - Andante
- Zingarelli - Litany
- Marcello - Preserve Me, Lord, From the Ungodly from the 16th Psalm
- Handel - When Jesus, Our Lord
- Mendelssohn - For in His Own Hand (95th Psalm)
- Beethoven - Andante
- Schubert - The Wanderer's Evening Song
- Hasse - Recordare Jesu
- Corelli - Largo from the Sonata da Chiesa No.5
- Mozart - Gottheit, dir sei Preis (from the Hymn)
- Haydn - Andantino
- Schubert - To Music (An die Musik)
- Mozart - Adagio
- Bach - Andante
- Crotch - Andantino from the oratorio Palestine
- Palestrina - Stabat Mater (1555)
- Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach - Aria from the oratorio St. Peter
- Hummel - Andantino
- Mozart - Andante con moto
- Beethoven - Adagio
- Field - Evening Song
- Mendelssohn - I Will Sing of Thy Great Mercies
- Corelli - Sonata da chiesa
- Webbe - Prayer
- Schubert - Dies irae, dies illa
- Beethoven - Adagio sostenuto
- Old Hebrew Prayer
- Himmel - Prayer
- Mendelssohn - I Waited for the Lord
- Beethoven - Andante cantabile'
- Dussek - Adagio
- Schubert - The Weeping
- Handel - The King Shall Rejoice (Fourth Coronation Anthem)
First Publication.
1878-79 – Leipzig: Breitkopf und Härtel
- 1. Heft: Monatsbericht (1878), p.354
- 2. Heft: Monatsbericht (1879), p.120
- 3. Heft: Monatsbericht (1879), p.152
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Piece Style
Navigation etc.
"Selected, arranged for the piano, and revised by Ernst Pauer".