This work has been identified as being in the public domain in Canada, as well as countries where the copyright term is life+50 years. However, this work is probably still protected by copyright in the United States, as well as in countries where the copyright term is life+70 years (including all EU countries), unless an exception applies. See public domain for details. |
First Publication | 1950 |
Contents[hide] |
Work Title | Ovez-Dzhan |
Alternative. Title | Turkmen Melody |
Composer | Kortchmariov, Klimenty |
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. | IKK 9 |
First Publication. | 1950 |
Average DurationAvg. Duration | 3 minutes |
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period | Early 20th century |
Piece Style | Romantic |
Instrumentation | English horn, piano |
Extra Information | Овез-джан (дорогой овез) : Туркменская мелодия, для английского рожка и фортепиано / Ovez-dzhan (dorogoĭ ovez) : Turkmenskai︠a︡ melodii︠a︡, |