Extra Information
The Organ Symphony No. 5 is a modern-classical composition. It consists of five movements. The 1st one is a moderately fast prelude, in which a solemn theme is further developed and alternated with a faster scherzo-like episode. The 2nd one is a moderately slow movement, in which a solemn main theme is alternated with two singing episodes with possibilities to use beautiful solo stops. The 3rd one is a fast scherzo with a minuet as middle section. The 4th one is a slow movement in which a quiet choral-like main theme is alternated with two other singing episodes again with possibilities to use beautiful solo stops. The 5th and final movement is a majestic toccata that must be a joy to play for a skilled organist, and to listen to. Registration indications (based upon the Hauptwerk sound set of the Mutin / Cavaillé-Coll organ of the Notre Dame in Metz) are intended as a help and are mainly notated as in late French romantic organ music (Widor, Vierne). I have checked every registration and every bar and can assure the piece is entirely playable. The recording (digital performance in Sibelius 6 with Garritan Personal Orchestra, not Hauptwerk !) gives, besides the registration indications, a scant indication of the sound I want. Score moving videos on my YouTube-channel.