Musikalisches Bilderbuch, Op.41 (Hollaender, Alexis)

Sheet Music


Book I

8 more: 1. Des Hirten Morgenlied - Shepherd's morning-song - Pastorale du matin • 2. Fischlein im See - Silver fishes in the lake - Petits poissons dans l'eau • 3. Märchenerzählung - Fairy tale - Un conte • 4. In der Puppenküche - Dolly's kitchen - Dans la ménage des poupées • 5. Blinder Leiermann - The blind organ-grinder - L'aveugle vielleur • 6. Marsch und Fahnenweihe - Presentation of colours - Marche du drapeau • 7. Vöglein im Wald - Birds in the wood - Petits oiseaux des branches • 8. Nachtgebet - Evening-prayer - Prière nocturne

Editor Richard Knötel (1857-1914), pictures
Publisher. Info. Berlin: Schlesinger'sche Buch-u. Musikhandlung, n.d. (ca.1892), Plate S. 8302 (I)
Misc. Notes Music pages: Scanned using the technique outlined in IMSLP:High Quality Scanning.

Book II

6 more: 2. Auf der Jagd - At the hunt - A la chasse • 3. Abendläuten - Evening-chimes - Les cloches du soir • 4. In der Tanzstunde - The dancing lesson - Le leçon de danse • 5. Plaudertäschchen - Little chatterbox - Petite bavarde • 6. Auf dem Hühnerhofe - In the poultry-yard - Dans la basse-cour • 7. Katze und Maus - Cat and mouse - Chat et souris

Editor Richard Knötel (1857-1914), pictures
Publisher. Info. Berlin: Schlesinger'sche Buch-u. Musikhandlung, n.d. (ca. 1892), Plate S. 8302 (II.)
Misc. Notes Scanned using the technique outlined in IMSLP:High Quality Scanning.

Book III

5 more: 3. Athleten und Akrobaten - Acrobates and athletic sports - Acrobates et athlètes • 4. Jongleur - Juggler - Jongleur • 5. Clowns - Clowns - Paillasse • 6. Parforce-Reiter - Bare back riding - Voltigeur • Ad pages

Editor Richard Knötel (1857-1914), pictures
Publisher. Info. Berlin: Schlesinger'sche Buch-u. Musikhandlung, n.d. (ca. 1892), Plate S. 8302 (III.)
Misc. Notes Scanned using the technique outlined in IMSLP:High Quality Scanning.

General Information

Work Title Musikalisches Bilderbuch, Op.41
Alternative. Title Musikalisches Bilderbuch. Leichte Klavierstücke für Jung and Alt ; Op.41.
Mit 22 Zeichnungen v. R. Knötel.
Composer Hollaender, Alexis
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No. Op.41
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IAH 7
Key Various
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 3 Books, 21 Sections
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. ca. 1892
First Publication. ca. 1892
Language German ; English ; French
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation Piano solo

Navigation etc.

  • About 20 works with this title were published between 1850 and 1900. Judging by the number of reprints and arrangements, those by Hollaeneder, Alexander Julius Paul Dorn (Opp.93, 116, 1880s) and Volkmann (Op.11, 1853) were the most popular.