Motecta Festorum (Victoria, Tomás Luis de)

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Editor First edition
Publisher. Info. Rome: Alessandro Gardano, 1585.
Misc. Notes Printed in choir book format rather than part books.

General Information

Work Title Motecta Festorum totius anni cum communi sanctorum
Alternative. Title Motecta festorum totius anni cum Communi Sanctorum, quae partim senis, partim quinis, partim quaternis, alia octonis vocibus concinuntur
Composer Victoria, Tomás Luis de
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 37 motets:
1. Quem vidistis, pastores? 6vv
2. Pastores loquebantur ad invicem 6vv — by Francisco Guerrero
3. Nigra sum 6vv
4. Ardens est cor meum 6vv
5. Surrexit pastor bonus 6vv
6. Congratulamini mihi 6vv
7. Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas 6vv
8. O sacrum convivium 6vv
9. Tu es Petrus 6vv
10. Vidi speciosam 6vv
11. Beata Dei genitrix 6vv — by Francisco Guerrero
12. Trahe me post te 6vv
13. O Domine Jesu Christe 6vv
14. Ascendens Christus in altum 5vv
15. Dum complerentur 5vv
16. Tantum ergo Sacramentum 5vv (hymn verse)
17. Descendit angelus Domini 5vv
18. O lux, et decus Hispaniae 5vv
19. Gaude Maria Virgo 5vv
20. Resplenduit facies ejus 5vv (canon)
21. Ecce Dominus veniet 5vv
22. O quam gloriosum est regnum 4vv
23. Doctor bonus 4vv
24. Magi viderunt stellam 4vv
25. O sacrum convivium 4 equal voices
26. Duo Seraphim clamabant 4vv
27. Estote fortes in bello 4vv
28. Iste Sanctus pro lege Dei sui 4vv
29. Gaudent in coelis animae Sanctorum 4vv
30. Ecce sacerdos magnus 4vv
31. Hic vir despiciens mundum 4vv
32. Veni sponsa Christi 4vv
33. O quam metuendus est 4vv
34. Ave Maria 8vv
35. Lauda Sion Salvatorem 8vv (sequence)
36. In illo tempore 8vv — by Francesco Soriano
37. Super flumina Babylonis 8vv (psalm)
First Publication. 1585 - Venice: Alessandro Gardano
Language Latin
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Renaissance
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation 4, 5, 6, or 8 voices
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  • According to Grove Music, 25 of the 37 motets in this collection are from previous editions, but 3 are not by Victoria. Those are by Francisco Guerrero and Francesco Soriano.
  • These have been tagged as choral pieces, because the Grove Music article seems to indicate that he was largely dealing with choirs, at one point citing a requirement at one of Victoria's appointments that "the student body sing the entire Office on at least 20 days of the church year" and later, he was maestro at the Monasterio de las Descalzas de S Clara at Madrid; this "comprised 12 priests (three to a part) and four boys". Though this latter reference is after the Motecta Festorum was compiled, the article in general gives the impression of someone working with multiple voices on a part.