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Category:Farrenc, Louise.
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- Friedland, Bea. Louise Farrenc, 1804-1875: Composer, Performer, Scholar. Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI Research Press, 1980. (Also available from Amazon)
- Louise Farrenc, compositrice du XIXe siècle : musique au féminin (Cathérine Legras, pub. by Paris : L'Harmattan, ©2003. Can be Google-previewed. p.82 contains a partial list of works for piano, with composition or publication dates??- this is unclear! Her date for Op.9 and 11 do match the publication dates found in Bibliographie de la France, so perhaps the latter rather than the former. Also contains information on composition dates within the body of the text.)
Works with opus number
For piano solo unless otherwise indicated
- Op.1 - [not used]
- Op.2 - Variations brillantes sur un thème d'Aristide Farrenc (ca. 1824)
- Op.3 - [not used]
- Op.4 - Grandes variations sur l'air Le premier pas (1824)
- Op.5 - Variations brillantes sur un thème de la Cenerentola de Rossini (ca. 1829)
- Op.6 - Variations sur l'air Ô ma tendre musette (ca. 1828)
- Op.7 - Air suisse varié (ca. 1832)
- Op.8 - 3 Rondos faciles (ca. 1828)
- Op.9 - Rondo brillant sur un choeur du Pirate (Bellini's Pirata) (1832/33)
- Op.10 - Variations brillantes sur un thème du Colporteur de G. Onslow (ca. 1828)
- Op.11 - Rondeau brillant sur des thèmes d'Eurianthe de Weber (1832/33) (BdlF, 11 May 1833)
- Op.12 - Variations sur une galopade favorite (1832/33) (see BdlF, 11 May 1833)
- Op.13 - Rondeau brillant sur la cavatine de Zelmire de Rossini (pub.1832/33) (BdlF, 11 May 1833)
- Op.14 - Les Italiennes (3 Cavatines favorites de Bellini et Carafa) (ca. 1835)
- Op.15 - Variations brillantes sur la cavatine d'Anna Bolena de Donizetti 'Nel veder la tua costanza' (ca. 1835)
- Op.16 - Les Allemandes (2 Mélodies favorites variées) (1835)
- Op.17 - Air russe varié (1835)
- Op.18 - La sylphide (Rondo valse sur un motif de Masini) (1835)
- Op.19 - Souvenir des Huguenots (Fantaisie et variations sur le célèbre choral de Luther, chanté dans Les Huguenots) (1836, pub. by 1846)
- Op.19bis - Arranged for Piano 4-Hands
- Op.20 - Variations concertantes sur un air suisse for Violin and Piano (1835-36?)
- Op.21 - Les Jours heureux (4 Rondinos sur des thèmes favoris) (1836-38?)
- Op.22 - Fugues for piano (1833)
- Op.22 - also Variations on 'Celui qui sut toucher mon coeur'
- Op.23 - Overture No.1 in E minor (1834)
- Op.24 - Overture No.2 in E♭ major (1834)
- Op.25 - Grandes variations sur un thème du comte Gallenberg, Piano and Orchestra (1837-38, performed 1838 May (Paris?))
- Op.26 - 30 Etudes dans tous les tons majeurs et mineurs (1835ca.-38, published 1839-40)
- Op.27 - Hymne russe varié (1838 September, autograph @ BNF)
- Op.28 - Variations sur un thème allemand (1839?)
- Op.29 - Variations sur un thème des Capuleti de Bellini, Piano 4-Hands (1839?)
- Op.30 - Piano Quintet No.1 in A minor (1839)
- Op.31 - Piano Quintet No.2 in E major (1840)
- Op.32 - Symphony No.1 in C minor (1841)
- Op.33 - Piano Trio No.1 in E♭ major (1843-44)
- Op.34 - Piano Trio No.2 in D minor (1844) (copy of publication @ Goethe University)
- Op.35 - Symphony No.2 in D major (1845)
- Op.36 - Symphony No.3 in G minor (1847) (early version of finale has been digitized by Gallica)
- Op.37 - Violin Sonata No.1 in C minor (1848)
- Op.38 - Nonet for Winds and Strings in E♭ major (1849)
- Op.39 - Violin Sonata No.2 in A major (1850)
- Op.40 - Sextet in C minor for Winds and Piano (1851-52)
- Op.41 - 12 Etudes de dextérité (ca. 1853)
- Op.42 - 20 Etudes de moyenne Difficulté pour Piano (ca. 1854)
- Op.43 - 3 Mélodies pour piano, including the published Mélodie in F major (first published 1858)
- Op.44 - Trio for Clarinet or Violin, Cello and Piano (Trio No.3, in E♭ major; 1856)
- Op.45 - Trio for Flute, Cello, and Piano (Trio No.4, in E minor; 1857)
- Op.46 - Cello Sonata (ca.1858) in B♭ major
- Op.47 - Scherzo in B♭ major (first published 1858)
- Op.48 - Valse brillante [No.1] (first published 1859-63?)
- Op.49 - Nocturne in E♭ major (first published 1859-63?)
- Op.50 - 25 Etudes faciles (first published 1859-63?)
- Op.51 - Valse brillante No.2 (first published 1864)
Works without opus number