Lieder und Tänze auf die Lauten um 1540 (Bischoff, Heinz)

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For 2 Violins and Cello (Lutter)

Performer Pages Bernhard von der Gabelentz (Violin)
Ewelina von der Gabelentz (Violin)
Ingo Lutter (Cello)
Publisher Info. Ingo Lutter, 2021.
Misc. Notes Lutters Familientrio (Hausmusik)
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Sheet Music


Editor Heinz Bischoff (1898–1963)
Heinz Zirnbauer (1902–1982)
Publisher. Info. Mainz: Schott, n.d.(ca.1938). Plate B.S.S. 35779.
Misc. Notes From the uploader's library. The informative forewords by Drs. Bischoff and Zirnbauer have not been retained.
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Arrangements and Transcriptions

For 2 Violins and Cello (Lutter)
Arranger Ingo Lutter (b. 1951)
Publisher. Info. Ingo Lutter, 2022.
Misc. Notes Or violin, viola and cello
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General Information

Work Title Lieder und Tänze auf die Lauten (um 1540)
Alternative. Title
Composer Bischoff, Heinz
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. None [force assignment]
Movements/SectionsMov'ts/Sec's 2 pieces
First Publication. 1938 ca.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Early 20th century
Piece Style Renaissance
Instrumentation lute
Extra Information Taken from the tablature manuscript no.1512 in the Munich State Library and transferred to guitar notation.