
(Redirected from Léon Escudier)

La France musicale cover (1845)
Typical cover (1857)
Typical cover (ca. 1870)




The firm was founded in 1842 by the brothers Escudier, Marie-Pierre-Yves (1819-1880) and Léon (1821-1881). Having founded La France musicale in 1837, the publishing firm developed as a natural outgrowth; before founding their own firm, the periodical included issues from Troupenas and Richault as "bonus" material. Around May 1842, the Escudiers switched to their own issues; by October, they had passed plate #100. By 1853, Marie dropped out of the business, and the imprint used from then on was the name of Léon exclusively. In 1860, Marie formally split, taking La France musicale with him. Léon started L'art musical in the meantime. It was eventually sold to Girod, but stopped publication in 1894, having been sold again to Leduc.

The Escudier firm, like their journal, was mainly concerned with publications of operas, including the first edition of Don Pasquale in 1843. In 1844, piano works of Alkan, Liszt and Franck were added to the catalogue, as well as a vocal score of I Lombardi. The firm eventually published 20 operas in full score, no mean feat in that time. All of Verdi's works were included in the catalogue, at least supposedly. The plate numbers extended to over 3600. Verdi and the journals were its most significant contributions. They helped crown Verdi as the king of Italian opera in Europe.

The brothers Escudier were well-educated and knew a great deal about music; in 1844, they published a Dictionnaire de la Musique which was of great usefulness, accomplishing a function not examined since Brossard and Rousseau. Other books included a biography of Rossini. In 1882, after Léon died, the firm was sold to Heugel.


Imprints, Agencies, Addresses

  • La France musicale, 1837-1843
    • 38, Rue Lafitte, 1837-March 4, 1838
    • 14, Rue de Provence, March 4, 1838-November 20, 1838
    • 20, Rue de la Victoire, November 20, 1838-July 15, 1839
    • 6, Rue Neuve St. Marc, July 15, 1839-October 5, 1843
  • Magasin de Musique, May 1843-October 1843
  • Bureau Central de la Musique, 1843-1853
    • 29, Place de la Bourse, October 5, 1843-[March 1848-January 1849]
    • 8, Rue Favart, [March 1848-January 1849]-November 27, 1853
  • Léon Escudier, 1853-1882
    • 21, Rue Choiseul, November 27, 1853-February 5, 1882

Plate Numbers

Plate F.M.

Plate Composer Work Year
103-105 Cramer Les perles, Op.20 1842
260 Donizetti Don Pasquale 1843
288-289 Sivori La Génoise, Op.1 1843

Plate B.C.

Plate Composer Work Year
453 Prudent Souvenirs de Schubert, Op.14 1844
501 Donizetti Dom Sébastien (parts) 1843
502 Donizetti Dom Sébastien (vocal score) 1843
544 Adam Cagliostro (complete score)
641 Artôt Grande fantaisie sur l'hymne national russe
648 Alkan Grande fantaisie sur Don Juan, Op.26 1845
675 Artôt Grande Fantaisie de Concert, Op.16
694 David Le désert (vocal score) 1845
714-719 David Les brises d'Orient 1845
725 David Rêverie du soir 1845
729-740 David Les quatre saisons (parts) 1845
758 Kontski Les Reflets de mon pays, Op.85 1845
760 Forgues Souvenir et Regrets 1845
768 Adam Le diable à quatre (Mazurka arr. by J. Herz) 1845
811 Verdi Ernani (arr. for piano solo by composer)
891 Prudent Séguidille, Op.25 1846
913 Rosellen Fantaisie sur le ballet Paquita, Op.84
1001 Clapisson Gibby la cornemuse (vocal score)
1026 Verdi I due Foscari (vocal score)
1027 Verdi Macbeth (vocal score)
1040 Costa Alma (Deux quadrilles arr.)
1108 Thomas Le caïd (vocal score) 1849
1112 Gottschalk Bamboula, Op.2
1137 Gottschalk Ossian, Op.4 1850
1145 Gottschalk Le Songe d’une nuit d’été, Op.9
1193 Mennechet de Barival 6 Études poétiques 1851
1224 Thomas Raymond (vocal score)
1225 Thomas Raymond (overture full score)
1256 Verdi Jérusalem (vocal score)
1266 Forgues Grande tarentelle de concert, Op.6 1852
1299 Gounod Ulysse (vocal score) 1852
1352 Mennechet de Barival Portrait 1853
1370 Thomas La Tonelli 1853
1380 Adam Le roi des halles (Valse, arr. pf) 1853
1406 Marmontel Napolitana, Op.39 1854

Plate L.E.

Plate Composer Work Year
1566 Offenbach Ba-ta-clan (vocal score) 1856
1570 Billema Polka sur 'Ba-ta-clan' 1856
1586 Tulou Fantaisie sur 'Il Trovatore', Op.105 1856
1632 Ascher Grand caprice de concert sur 'La Traviata', Op.60 1857
1790 Prudent Quatuor de Rigoletto arr., Op.61 1861
1863 Prudent Chant du lac tranquille, Op.58 1860
1919 Gastinel Titus et Bérénice (vocal score) 1860
1920 Cohen Prière a la Madone 1861
1940 Marmontel Speranza, Op.48 1860
1959 Prudent Etudes-Lieder, Op.60 [1860]
1982 Arban Polka sur 'Un ballo in maschera' 1861
2221 Poniatowski L'aventurier (vocal score) 1870
2239–44 Arban 14 Fantaisies sur les opéras de Verdi (1-6) 1863
2248 Prudent Les trois rêves, Op.67 (arr. solo piano) 1863
2250 Rummel Préludes mélodiques 1863
2253 Sivori Fantaisie sur 'Un ballo in maschera', Op.19 1863
2408 Ketterer Nuit d'Orient, Op.161 1865
2447 Ketterer Valse fantastique sur 'Macbeth', Op.168 (1865)
2542 Ketterer Marche arménienne, Op.183 (1865)
2754 Marmontel 3 Rêveries, Op.95 1867
2806–09 Rummel 6 Récréations faciles sur des motifs de 'Don Carlos' (Nos.1-4) 1868
2813–14 Rummel 6 Récréations faciles sur des motifs de 'Don Carlos' (Nos.5 & 6) 1868
2828 Bazin À Laudes 1867
2830 Godefroid Illustration sur 'La traviata', Op.145 1867
2835 Wolff Don Carlos, Op.280 1867
2884–86 Auber Le premier jour de bonheur (arrangements) 1868
2906–07 Auber Le premier jour de bonheur (full score/parts) 1868
2944 Cohen 2 Romances sans paroles 1869
2946 Mohr Méthode de premier et second cor
2969 Auber Le premier jour de bonheur (arr. piano 4 hands) 1869
2971 Lhuillier Le cotillon 1869
3110 Berthelier Le gendre et le beau père 1870
3116 Poise Les deux billets (vocal score) 1870
3122 Lamotte Quadrille sur 'Les brigands', Op.740 1870
3130 Reichardt Reine des fleurs 1870
3137 Bazin Athalie 1870
3170 Cohen Traité élémentaire et facile de contrepoint et de fugue 1872
3175 Bazzoni Farfalla 1872
3187 Bazin Venise! 1872
3219 Cœdès Une drôle de soirée 1872
3220 Gruber La musique au salon 1872
3236 Wolff Les diablotines 1872
3250 Arban Polka sur 'Madame Turlupin' (arr. piano) 1873
3285 Magnus Souvenir sur 'Messe de Requiem' de G. Verdi, Op.164 1874
3320 Delibes Le roi l'a dit (f.s.) 1874
3333 Arban Quadrille sur 'Le roi l'a dit' (arr. piano) 1873
3335 Marx Les soirées du jardin Mabille (arr. piano) 1873
3336 Marx Casino-polka (arr. piano) 1873
3337 Marx Les adieux (arr. piano) 1873
3338 Cœdès Valse humoristique sur 'Une drôle de soirée' (arr. piano) 1873
3340 Wolff Souvenir d'Auvergne, Op.316 1874
3343 Dufils Caquet-polka (arr. piano) 1873
3362 Miramont-Tréogate Le banquiste 1874
3373 Gouzien La jonque des amants 1874
3383 Villate Le rêve d'un ange 1874
3404 Cohen Traité d'harmonie (2nd edition) 1875
3428 Gandon Le chef d'orchestre 1875
3430 Berthelier Calino valet de chambre 1875
3448 Cohen Les principes de la musique 1875
3451 Lhuillier Le discret 1875
3452 Schatté Le troisième larron 1875
3522 Villate Le petit mousse 1877
3524 Leybach Luisa Miller Fantaisie brillante, Op.201 1877
3526 Villate Zilia (v.s.) 1877
3532–43 Rey Soirées du midi 1875
3562 Villate Je t'écoutais 1875
3566 Rey Au port (v.s.) 1875
3568–73 Rey 6 Fables 1876
3575 Berthelier Ce qu'on dit et ce qu'on pense 1879
3576 Clairville Les jeux innocents de la famille Gigomard 1879
3577 Miramont-Tréogate Les superstitions 1879
3578 Miramont-Tréogate Je suis papa depuis ce matin 1879
3580 Villate Donnez enfants 1875
3596 Wolff Dernier soupir, Op.325 1876
3598 Marmontel Scherzetto No.2, Op.123 1876
3604 Battmann Marche des trompettes de 'Aïda' 1880
5398 Verdi Requiem (Selections, arr. Adolphe Herman) 1874

Sources Consulted

  • 1. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Stanley Sadie.
New York and London: Macmillan Publications, 1980.

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