[more...] flute*, piccolo clarinet (E♭)*, 2 clarinets (B♭)*, 2 cornets (B♭), 2 trumpets (B♭)*, SATB chorus, 2 alto horns (E♭), 2 french horns (E♭)*, 3 tenor horns (B♭), euphonium, tubas, snare drum, bass drum * = optional part
Extra Information
On pg. 1 of the score:
- The subtitle reads "для смешанн. (смешанного) хора и духового оркестра", or "for mixed chorus and wind/brass band" (note that "wind band" and "brass band" both roughly translate to "духовой оркестр", and either could be valid interpretations in this case)
- The vertical inscription reads "партии флейты, кларнета, труб и валторн не обязательны", or "the flute, clarinet, trumpet and horn parts are optional".