Gallionsbilden (Sjögren, Emil)

This work has been identified as being in the public domain in Canada, as well as countries where the copyright term is life+50 or life+70 years (including all EU countries). However, this work is probably still protected by copyright in the United States, unless an exception applies. See public domain for details.
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Sheet Music


Editor First edition (corrected reprint)
Translator Berta Sjögren (French)
Publisher. Info. Stockholm: Suecia Edition, 1952.
Reprinted Stockholm: SMH, 2014.
Misc. Notes Title : “from Gallionsbilden”.

General Information

Work Title Gallionsbilden
Alternative. Title Lyrical drama in one act (Incomplete)
Composer Sjögren, Emil
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No. IES 109
Year/Date of CompositionY/D of Comp. 1903 ca
First Publication. 1952
Librettist Jane Gernandt-Claine (1862-1944)
Language Swedish
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation voice, piano
External Links Swedish Musical Heritage

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A fragment only. Ur - From - means that this is an excerpt from a - here unfinished - larger work.