
(Redirected from Friedrich Pustet)
Friedrich Pustet (1798–1882)
cover 1907




German firm of publishers, founded 1826 in Regensburg by Friedrich Pustet (1798–1882), specialising in liturgical books and church music. From 1868 to 1900 the firm had exclusive rights to publish hymnbooks for the Roman Catholic church, and acquired an international reputation for authoritative editions. The firm remained independent until 1978, when it was acquired by Feuchtinger & Gleichauf of Regensburg. The current Pustet firm has three activities: retail bookselling, theological and historical book publishing, and bespoke printing.


Imprints, Addresses, Agencies



  • Friedrich Pustet & Co.: P.O.B. 3627 (in 1881), New York (1865) and 204 Vine St. (in 1881) Cincinnati (1867).
  • Rome (1898)
  • Regensburg/Ratisbonæ.


Plate Numbers

Pustet's plate numbers were issued in a regular chronological fashion. Plate numbers, when used, are in the format of F.P. ####. Dates in italics are estimated. Pustet was known to issue subsequent editions of a work using the same plate number as the first edition.

Plate Composer Work Year
0841 Haller Laudes Eucharisticæ, Op.16 1878
0899 Ebner Missa, Op.20 1892
0922 Diebold Der katholische Organist im Hochamte und Requiem, Op.54 (book 1) 1893
0945 Renner 16 Tonstücke, Op.33 1894
0954 Palestrina 6 Moduli (ed. Haller) 1894
0958 Stehle Missa Solemnis No.4, Op.67 (vocal score) 1894
0990 Haller Mass No.3, Op.7a 1897
0994 Naujalis Missa in honorem St. Casimiri (sc&pt) 1896
1068 Haller Litaniae de sacro corde Jesu, Op.76 1899
1074 Haller Litaniae de sacro corde Jesu, Op.77 1899
1081 Haller Litaniae de sacro corde Jesu, Op.79 1900
1115 Griesbacher Dir, Gott der Welt, Op.53 1902
1199-1202 Lück Sammlung ausgezeichneter Kompositionen für die Kirche 1907
1201 Benevoli Laudate coeli 1907
1230 Diebold Der katholische Organist im Hochamte und Requiem, Op.54 (book 2(Op.54b)) 1908
1260 Weil 90 Vor- und Nachspiele, Op.2 1910
1276 Diebold Der katholische Organist im Hochamte und Requiem, Op.54 (book 3(Op.54c)) 1910
1284 Naujalis Missa in hon. S. Leonardi 1911
1289 Diebold 25 Kurze und einfache orgelpräludien, Op.106 1912
1305 Renner Organum comitans 1914
1309 Haller Ave Patrona Bavariae, Op.112 1915
1351 Renner Zweite Fest-Messe, Op.86 1925
1361 Liszt Missa choralis, S.10 (V. Goller ed.) 1928
1378 Kromolicki Adoro te, Op.17 1929
1397 Renner Toccata, Op.89 1930

External Links

Sources Consulted

Wikipedia article

Authority control

  • VIAF (Verlag Friedrich Pustet)