(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Zeuner, Charles.)
Charles Zeuner
(20 September 1795 — 7 November 1857)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Heinrich Christoph Zeuner (birth name) ; Carl Zeuner
Name in Other Languages: Чарлз Зойнер, تشارلز زيونير
Aliases: Зойнер, Чарлз, Цойнер, Генрих Кристоф
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 337154, LCCN: nr91024202, ISNI: 0000000083495272, [4 more...]GND: 102498881, BNF: 156725900, MusicBrainz: 645275d7-4af8-48d7-839e-2aa5de0d6718, IATH: w6k667r6
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Not to be confused with
Karl Traugott Zeuner (1775–1841) (pupil of Clementi). Active in Boston as of 1824 or earlier. Also: the Library of Congress has a large collection of (presumably this) Zeuner's vocal works in holograph ms (The University of Iowa has microfilm copies of these, and of Zeuner's third mass in E-flat). (RISM lists what are probably this composer's works under Karl Traugott Zeuner)