(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Zöllner, Carl Friedrich.)
Carl Friedrich Zöllner
(17 May 1800 — 25 September 1860)
Name in Other Languages: كارل فريدريك زولنر, Karl Zöllner, Карл Фридрих Цёльнер, Carl Friedrich Zollner
Aliases: Carl Zöllner, Karl Friedrich Zöllner, Zöllner, Carl Friedrich, Karl Frederich Zoellner, Carl Friedrich Zoellner, Карл Фридрих Цёлльнер, Цёлльнер Карл Фридрих
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 18033250, LCCN: nb2007024074, ISNI: 0000000059527502, GND: 119500132, SUDOC: 225655764, BNF: 14803138s, BIBSYS: 49416, MusicBrainz: a171a51c-643c-4013-a30c-31b56dbc81fc, NKC: xx0029751, ICCU: NAPV096798, BNE: XX912099
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Pages in category "Zöllner, Carl Friedrich/Collections"
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