(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Work II, John Wesley.)
John Wesley Work II
(6 August 1873 — 7 September 1925)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: John Wesley Work, Junior
Name in Other Languages: John Wesley Work, Jr., John Wesley Work, John Wesley Work mlajši, جون ويسلي ورك جونيور, جون ويسلى ورك جونيور, John Wesley Work Jr.
Aliases: John W. Work, John Work, John Wesley II Work, 00033222724 IPI
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 9039364, LCCN: n92053236, ISNI: 0000000084255799, SUDOC: 147536979, MusicBrainz: 6b207dd1-76eb-4696-b9c3-21c1e74c1891, IATH: w6q82s28
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