(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm.)
Ernst Wilhelm Wolf
(25 February 1735 — 30 November 1792)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Ernestus William Wolf; Ernestus Guglielmus Wolf ; Wolff
Name in Other Languages: Эрнст Вильгельм Вольф, ارنست ویلهلم ولف, エルンスト・ヴィルヘルム・ヴォルフ, إرنست ويلهلم وولف, ارنست ويلهلم وولف
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 44566363, LCCN: n84181325, ISNI: 0000000110259268, [8 more...]GND: 117458600, SUDOC: 080807917, BNF: 148079488, MusicBrainz: 43b3c077-00fc-40d6-b7de-f5b55a763334, NKC: jn20000605638, ICCU: MUSV069084, BNE: XX1768855, IATH: w6h71h82
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Pages in category "Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm/Collections"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
BEK- 6 Keyboard Pieces, 1785 (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 2 Keyboard Quintets (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, 1774 (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, 1775 (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, 1779 (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, 1781 (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, 1789 (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatas, Op.Posth. (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Sonatinas, 1783 (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Keyboard Trios (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
- 6 Kurze Sonaten (Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm)
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